“I know, I know. You needed it though!”
“I did.”
“Okay, so give me the damn details, lady.”
I tell her everything. From Zane getting drunk and me driving him home, meeting his mom, running into him in the same vicinity as our moment. I spill it all, over a few shots and mixed drinks. I’m buzzing by the time I’m done spilling my guts to Maia and partially to Cassidy when she was able to listen in between fixing drinks and yelling at drunks.
The only advice either of them have given me is to fuck him again and then go from there. The more alcohol that courses through my system, the more apt I am to listen to their advice. Hate sex was fucking amazing. I’m thinking drunken hate sex has to be just as good if not better. One more time won’t hurt, right? Right.
I open my phone and send him a text.
Dayra: I hate you.
I lock it and set it on the bar, tossing back another shot. I’m warm and relaxed and laughing at Maia being drunk beside me. I forget how much I love this bar and this feeling. I’m not sure how I’m getting home or where I’m going if I don’t go home. I can always call Uncle Ken. He and Aunt Cindy would be happy to come rescue the two of us.
I lock eyes with a man across the bar and smile at the familiar face. Zane’s brother Johnny is standing at the bar next to AJ. He grabs his drink and approaches the corner of the bar where Maia and I are seated.
“Hey! How are you?”
I smile at his warm greeting, so very much unlike his brother.
“I’m good! No unwanted assholes hanging around this evening,” I note, waving my arm around my general vicinity.
“Good to know. My hand hurt for two days after hitting that jackass,” Johnny says, shaking his hand for effect.
Maia stares back and forth between me and Johnny, giving me a glare. I know what she’s asking. Who the hell is this and how do I know him?
“Maia, this is Johnny. Zane’s brother. Johnny, this is my best friend, Maia.”
Maia smiles kindly at him and shakes his hand.
“Wow, you’re so much nicer than your brother,” she blurts out.
Johnny erupts into laughter. “Yeah, I get that a lot lately.”
“Too bad you’re the married one,” Cassidy chimes in from behind the bar.
I whip my head in her direction, a giggle escaping my throat.
“What? It’s true. Zane’s so broody and closed off.”
Johnny stares at the three of us. “It iswildthatthat’sthe version of himself he shows the world. Absolutely fucking wild. That’s not the Zane I know.”
“Oh, you should see him in here all dark and mysterious looking,” Cassidy says, running a wet rag across the bar where a lime made it sticky.
“I did. When Dayra was being hit on by that asshole and he got drug out of here after I knocked his lights out,” Johnny beams, proud of himself.
“Thanks again, for that. I was worried you two were going to get kicked out.”
“Oh hell no. Leon is always starting some shit. Scotty was happy to have a reason to finally bar him.”
The more the conversation continues, the further away it sounds. I zone out and then realize I haven’t checked my phone.I open it and see one notification for my messages. I’m nervous to see what Zane responded with.
Zane: Ditto, babygirl.
That pet name again. God, it makes me weak. I close one eye and try to squint to see what time he sent that and what time it is now. An hour and a half have gone by since he responded. Shit. How does time warp so fast when I’m drinking?
Maia is tapping my leg frantically, trying to get my attention. I lock my phone and set it on the bar.