Page 21 of A Grinchmas Delight

“Can someone kill the volume on that for a moment?” Mark asks and Dayra leans over and turns the knob. I watch her every movement, the way her breasts hang when she leans forward. The way her tongue darts out over her bottom lip.

I find myself wondering what it was about her that I couldn’t stand to begin with. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how I know I am completely fucking screwed.



Zane’s eyesnever leave my body from across the room. It’s as unnerving as it is exhilarating. Something in him is softer towards me and it scares the fuck out of me. I know how to handle him being an asshole, that is that behavior I’m accustomed to for the last two years. This? This fondness or whatever it is? It’s fucking weird. And kind of hot. I’m a mess. I’m sweating profusely beneath this cardigan, and not because it’s warm in here. Partly from the alcohol in the punch, but partly from my nerves being shot as Zane continues to stare at me.

I want to ask him what the hell he wants from me, but I’m scared of that answer. So, here I stand. Beneath the burning gaze of the very attractive, completely tattooed man that a month ago I would have never believed would’ve been fucking my brains out in the stairwell at work. A stairwell that is only a mere few feet from this lounge.

“So, with that being said, we have this year’s Christmas bonuses for you all. Please see myself and Zane to retrieve them and thank you for all of your hard work this year. We appreciate each and every one of you,” Mark says, concluding the speech that I tuned out.

Everyone applauds as his speech concludes, myself included. I glance in Zane’s direction and those piercing grey eyes are still burning a hole through me. I feel like he can see my soul. And I don’t like it. I pull my cardigan close to my sides, needing to feel shrouded in some way.

I need to get out of here.

I still haven’t responded to his email about the new position they’re opening. I know that Mark wants me in it, since he’s hinted at it at least four times in the last day since telling me that they were opening it up and urging me to apply, despite the relationship that Zane and I have. Oh, if he only knew.

He wouldn’t be recommending me for that position. Star employee caught fucking boss in the stairwell for promotion. I can see the headlines now. My stomach churns. What am I fucking doing? I can’t. I can’t do this. This is my career.

The air in the room feels so heavy. Thick. It’s hard to breathe. I take slow and steady breaths, trying to conceal the sheer panic rising inside of me. I find a seat at the table with Jade and Xena, taking a sip of water from the bottle in front of me. The tables are set with bottled waters, plates, and cutlery at each seat. The water is cool and is refreshing as it goes down, slowly cooling me down.

I want to pour it on top of my damn head, but that would be quite attention getting. Wet t-shirt contest is not on my bingo card for Christmas this year. I pull my phone out and send a text to my best friend.

Dayra: Can we meet for drinks this evening? Scotty’s?

Maia: Umm, yes! What time?

Dayra: 7? I need to get some things off my chest about THD.

Maia: Done. See you at 7. Drive safe. Love you!

Dayra: Love you!

I’m caught up in my phone and don’t realize that Zane is standing directly behind me. He’s looking over my shoulder at my phone, open to my text messages.

“THD?” he asks, a confused look on his face.

I can’t fight the smile that forms on my face because I’m about to tell him his nickname.

“Tall hateful devil.”

I watch as it registers thatheis who I’m referring to.

“That’s what you call me?”

“It’s fitting, is it not?”

His blank stare gives away nothing to how he feels about it, and I don’t care. He’s been the tall hateful devil since the day I got here.

“Classy,” he says, handing me a check then promptly walking away.

I shove it into the pocket of my cardigan and fix a plate of food. The party dies down and most of the others are going to a bar across the street called the Salty Dog Saloon. It’s an interesting name and an even more interesting place. I’ve been a handful of times but it’s just not my scene. I’d rather make the drive out to Scotty’s.

I don’t see Zane for the rest of the party and I say a silent thank you as I slip into the driver’s seat of my car and head home to check on Piecie before I head to meet Maia. Maybe she can shed some light on the feelings I have, or at least give me some bad advice about sleeping with him again.

I feel bad only stopping at the house for ten minutes to let my tiny girl out and give her a few pets, fill her food and water bowls, then head out again.