Page 72 of Taming the Demon

“I need something good here,” Darrow said. “I love her. I love our baby. She’s good for this club. She knows this life. And I can fucking protect her. Fitz only used her. Abused her. Hurt her. He did nothing—”

“That’s not how it works and you know it. She wore his ink.”

“He’s a fucking rat! I never touched her before this happened. She came to me for protection. She ran from her rat of a husband. She did the right thing. And the way this fucking club is right now…”

“Darrow, we all have our skeletons,” Slade said. “All of us. She got her ink blacked out. She’s wearing your name now. And she’s carrying your baby.”

“Ride with me or go back to the clubhouse,” Darrow said.

“You know where she is? You’re sure about this?”

“I know where to look,” Darrow said. “Where to start. And I’m sure.”

“We can’t kill Fitz. We have to bring him in. He has to be alive for theDr. Smilevote.”

“I don’t give a fuck aboutDr. Smile,” Darrow said. “I’m saving my woman and saving my baby. If you try and stop me again, Slade, you better fucking shoot me.”

Darrow was back on his ride and kicked up dust in seconds as he got back onto the road and took off with fury. And love. That was the scariest part. Outlaws did crazy shit just because they were outlaws. But an outlaw in love…? Slade shook his head.

This… was going to be bad…

Chapter Thirty

A Walk in the Woods

Darrow only knew what he didn’t know. Sometimes you had to ride with the confidence to fight the world with only a dull pencil in your back pocket. Aside from all the tech shit that Darrow brought to the club, he had the ability to think. And really think. Think five, ten steps ahead of a lot of people around him.

Fitz. He wanted to take over. This whole thing was based on the fact that a while ago there was a situation between Priest and Fitz where Cyrus took Priest’s side. Fitz saw himself as Cyrus’s right-hand man. Doing all the dirty work and loving every second of the insane violence.

A guy like Fitz could never accept his place in the club. He wore that right on his sleeve too. The other guys saw that as a sign of strength. And Fitz played it perfectly too. He never talked back. He never strayed too far from the club. Yet he had his own secret deal on the side. And he left his wife to rot in the middle of it all.

Darrow throttled his motorcycle and picked up even more speed. They weren’t far now. At least not far from turning their engines off.

Fitz never bolted from town. That meant he wanted to be seen. He wanted to be heard. He knew he was fucked. His only escape was turning rat. And that detective was his barrier.

Fucking moron could have left town. Although he knew the drill. He knew that Cyrus would have SOFRAS, SOFRAN, and SOFRAE on the hunt. Fitz had been placed into a corner so he hung around town and attacked when he wanted to.

Like what he did to Macy. That was step one. He set that up knowing it would fuck with Mara’s head. And it would put the MC on notice that Fitz was around and very dangerous. And it worked.

Darrow pulled to the side of the road. Slade pulled up next to him.

“What now?” Slade asked.

“We walk,” Darrow said, nodding toward the woods.

“Walk…? How do you know, brother? Talk to me.”

Darrow was off his motorcycle and on the move. There wasn’t a second to waste right now. Darrow’s love and Darrow’s unborn child were at stake.

“Darrow, you have to tell me something,” Slade growled as he caught up to Darrow.

“Fitz has no place to go,” Darrow growled. “He’s a person of habit. He’s been circling and spiraling. Waiting to get caught. Wanting to have this epic fight. Yet at the same time if he really wanted to do something insane, he could have come for us at the clubhouse. No. Not Fitz though. He thinks he’s strong but he’s not. Remember what happened with him and Priest?”

“You’re talking… a long time…?”

“Yes,” Darrow said.

They climbed through the woods, moving up. And up.