“Is Fitz outside right now?” Darrow asked, eyes going wide.
Macy chuckled. A weak chuckle that teetered on a sound of insanity.
“Do you have anything to drink?” Macy asked.
“Answer my question first,” Darrow growled. “Is Fitz outside?”
“No,” Macy said. “How about that drink now?”
Mara saw the way Macy looked at Darrow. This was once her best friend. Stunning. Beautiful. Sexy. Sultry. Gorgeous.Hot. She saw her asHoneysuckle,her stage name. Men piling up to get as close to the stage as possible for a chance to look at her. The wait times and the amount paid for just one private dance. And now Macy looked like a haggard shell of herself.
Mara caught herself opening her mouth but quickly closing it, not sure how to engage in a conversation right now. In the kitchen, Darrow found a bottle of whiskey and quickly brought the entire thing back to Macy. She wasted no time in twisting off the cap and drinking the whiskey as though it were a bottle of water. She peeled the bottle away from her bone dry lips.
“Tell us what happened,” Darrow said. “This is bad. Really bad.”
“Macy, hey,” Mara said in a soft voice. “How did you get here?”
“Trunk of a car,” Macy said. “Not my favorite way to travel. My eyes were covered up. Hands and feet tied. That whole thing. Car stopped, the trunk popped and I was thrown out to the ground. My hands and feet were freed but I was told to leave the blindfold on for a little longer. A voice told me an apartment number and to go bang on the door until someone answered. And that if nobody answered, I would be finished off…”
Macy helped herself to more whiskey. Mara’s stomach ached as she looked at Darrow.
“I have to go figure this out,” Darrow said. “I want you two in the bedroom right now. I’m calling in protection.”
“That’s right,” Macy said. “The big, bad bikers.” She chuckled in a desolate, evil voice. “You don’t remember me, Darrow, but I remember you. I danced for you. Several times. I even sat on your lap once or twice. I can’t remember if you came though. Or if we fucked…”
“Macy, please,” Mara said.
Macy turned her attention to Mara. “Please? Are you cheating on your husband with this guy? Is that what this is all about? Is that why your husband fucking kidnapped me? Is that why your husband did all the things he did to me?”
That’s when Macy’s entire body started to shake. She reached for the couch and plopped down. She drank more whiskey.Mara’s body burned red-hot. She felt some embarrassment but mostly she wanted to punch Macy in the mouth for what was just spoken.
“I don’t want you two sitting here too close to the door,” Darrow growled.
Mara could easily tell Macy wasn’t going to listen to what she was told to do. Something really bad had happened to this woman.Really bad.Even without knowing details Mara felt ill. And guilty.
“Darrow, please,” Mara whispered.
“Fuck,” he said and stormed off into the kitchen.
Now it would just be a matter of minutes beforeSOFRAWshowed up to survey the damage that was Macy’s soul, then come up with a plan for their version of justice. But the thing was, they already knew Fitz was a rat. He turned on the club. The worst thing possible. He would be sentenced to death already, so what could possibly be added to that in terms of revenge for Macy?
Another thought came to Mara. Just minutes ago she and Darrow had been in the bedroom. His viper-like tongue licking between her legs. His strong, thick thumb rubbing her clit, sending her into orgasmic submission.
That was right about the time thatsomeonehad dropped off Macy.Her wrists and ankles tied. Blindfolded. Dragged from the trunk of a car. Told to knock on a door she didn’t know or else she’d be finished off…
Mara sat down on the coffee table across from her former best friend. She hated thinking that way too.Former. It was reality. But a painful one. The moment was tense and awkward.
Mara looked into Macy’s eyes. She couldn’t help herself when she began to cry. She missed herformerbest friend. Mara reached out and gently touched Macy’s face. Her thumb stroked at the chalked, dry mascara on Macy’s face.
“I am so fucking sorry,” Mara said, her throat clenching. “I am so sorry for everything that happened between us. My God, I know this is the worst time to say something like that. I should have called you sooner. I should have texted you sooner. I did text you, but you didn’t respond…”
Mara’s voice dropped off. She felt horrible. Sick, sad, and worthless. But she knew Macy felt even worse.
Macy just stared. Her beauty hidden under whatever hell Fitz made her live through. What came next from Mara’s mouth… just… happened…
“I’m pregnant,” she said.
Some innocent voice in her head suggested bringing up the pregnancy would make everyone happy.It didn’t work that way.