“It’s called keeping my promise,” Darrow said. “I have something to show you too.”
Mara reached into her bag, pulled out a pregnancy test and tossed it at Darrow. She then shoved by him and walked right to the kitchen and grabbed for the bottle of wine.
“What the hell is this?” Darrow called out. “It’s… positive…”
“That’s right,” Mara said. “I assume Cyrus will want his fucking proof. So there. He has it.”
Mara skipped the glass and drank the wine from the bottle. Even the wine didn’t do a thing to calm her stomach or her nerves. The entire day had been that much of a mess.
“How?” Darrow asked.
Mara slammed the wine bottle down and turned around. “I have my own resources, Darrow.”
“You were at a diner.”
“Yes,” Mara said. “I wasn’t ordering a turkey club, okay? One of the waitresses is pregnant. She just found out maybe a month ago. She’s not even showing yet. I had her take a test.”
“Wow,” Darrow said.
“That’s right. I lied through my teeth too about it. Sort of. Told them all I left Fitz and that if he looks for me they never saw me. And that I needed the positive pregnancy test to get help.”
“I guess we had the same thought process then, babe,” Darrow said.
He closed and locked the apartment door and then gave Mara the documents he printed.
“Holy shit,” Mara whispered as she began to flip through actual medical records of her own pregnancy.
Except, I’m not really pregnant, Mara thought to herself.
“You do know what I do for the club, right?” Darrow asked.
“Yeah. You hack stuff.”
“You hacked someone medical records?” Mara asked.
“Changed the name and information. Proof of a doctor’s visit, along with a pregnancy test, and anything else needed. Full reports. That’ll keep things at bay.”
“Along with the pregnancy test,” Mara said.
Darrow touched Mara’s face. “Yes, babe. And the pregnancy test.”
Mara wanted Darrow’s approval in some weird way yet she smacked his hand away. As soon as she did, Darrow grabbed the back of her neck. She let out an audible moan and then started to blush. Darrow grinned at her.
“You know this only takes us so far, babe,” Darrow said.
Mara swallowed hard. “I know.”
“So what are you going to do? Wear a fake pregnant belly? Then what? How far do we take this?”
“I have no idea,” Mara said. “I’m just trying to make it to tomorrow.”
“The whole thing is going to blow up in our faces.”
“You went along with it.”
“I did, didn’t I? I could have tossed you to the curb right then and there. But I didn’t.”