Page 68 of Taming the Demon

“You okay, brother?” Slade asked.

“No,” Darrow said. “Mara just text me she went to see Macy.”

“Alone?” Linc asked.

Are you alone?

Mara replied.

Yes. It’s okay. I’m with Macy. It’s really okay. I promise it’s okay.

Darrow curled his lip.

“I’ve got to go,” Darrow said.

“You can’t ride alone,” Slade said.

“Then come with me,” Darrow said. “These texts… I don’t know, brother.”

Darrow had a strange feeling in his stomach.

He couldn’t imagine for a second that Mara would just take off from the clubhouse to go see Macy. Not without protection. Something was wrong.

Something felt very wrong.

Darrow walked through the strip club and the thudding music toward the stage area. Cyrus and Linc hung back to deal with security. Normally when the outlaws showed up to the strip club it meant all hell would eventually break loose. Whiskey would flow. Fights would be started. Strippers would be collected like baseball cards and taken into private rooms where unspeakable things would happen in exchange for cash. Every rule, law, regulation would be broken, threatening the entire business.

But the money was too good to say no…

Right now it was about business. Personal business. Darrow pushed his way to the stage when he spotted Macy up there.Honeysuckle, if he wanted to be correct since she was working. She stood there, topless, wearing a black thong. Her eyes looked dead and sad. Her hips gently swayed. She looked down at the men at her feet, money in hands, waiting for her to do something special for each one.

“Out of the fucking way,” Darrow growled as he pulled someone away from the stage.

“Fuck you, asshole,” the guy said.

Darrow threw an elbow, smashing the guy’s nose like a grape. Darrow then pointed at Macy and made acome heremotion with his pointer finger.

“Miss me, outlaw?” Macy purred as she fell to her knees.

Darrow noticed the tattoo was no longer visible.

She covered it up with makeup. A shit ton of makeup.

Macy leaned close toward Darrow.

“Private dance,” he yelled at Macy. “You’re mine for a minute. Let’s go.”

Darrow grabbed Macy and pulled her off the stage. That was a bigno-noin the strip club world. Cyrus, Linc, and Slade had everything handled though. Security knew not to fuck withSOFRAW. No matter what.

Macy thrashed and clawed at Darrow until he put her down. She then grabbed for his chest, nails poised to cut flesh. The look in her eyes…

She’s fucked, Darrow thought to himself. There was no other way to say it.

“Hey!” Darrow bellowed as he grabbed Macy’s shoulders.

She gasped for deep breaths, her tits bouncing as she did so.

“I’m not here to hurt you,” he said. “I’m here for Mara. She’s here, right?”