“What the fuck’s wrong with you?” Killswitch asked as he looked at me with a puckered brow.
“No,” Dallas said with bugged eyes. “Oh shit. That was her daughter today?”
Killswitch frowned and stepped closer to me. In a deadly calm tone, he asked, “Was there a problem with Ryian at the store?”
“Can we talk somewhere private?” I choked out. If he was gonna kill me, I wanted it private and hopefully quick.
“Follow me,” he rumbled as he passed me. “You all—finish unloading this stuff, then get to painting those walls.”
Like a man on his way to the guillotine, I solemnly did as he said.
He opened the president’s office and flipped on the light. “Sit.”
It took three swallows to choke down the rock in my throat. I was about to lose my job before I even started after I found out I have a son I didn’t know about. It was great fucking day to be alive.
“What happened? So help me, if you harassed my niece, I will have your ass—regardless of your brother being one of mine.” He leaned forward and rested his inked forearms on the edge of the desk.
“It’s a long story,” I muttered before covering my face with my hands and dragging them down.
“Then you best start talkin’,” he growled out, pinning me with a glare.
“Fuck,” I said under my breath. I’d known Ryian had an uncle, but I’d only seen him a handful of times over the years because he had lived a ways out of town and I thought she said he traveled or something. It was years ago, and I couldn’t remember now. What were the fucking odds?
I took a deep breath and started from the beginning.
“You were that skinny little shit that she was dating in high school?” He cut in and glowered. “And you are telling me you let her go off pregnant to carry that child and care for it alone?”
“No! I swear, I had no idea!” I insisted as I shook my head.
“Then why did you hide from her?” he demanded through clenched teeth.
“I didn’t, I promise you. It was nothing more than a series of unfortunate circumstances and coincidences. When she left, I had no idea she was pregnant. All I knew was that after a seemingly minor argument, she hauled ass. I never knew where she went. Your sister wouldn’t tell me—and trust me, I asked for weeks. I was pissed, got drunk and threw my phone in the river, then left for Montana.”
“She tried to email you. She told me.”
I winced. “Yeahhh. Once I had healed a bit, I made the choice to shut down my email and anything that she might be able to use to reach out to me. I knew if she did, I’d take her back and I couldn’t go through that again. I loved her with everything I had, and she ripped my goddamn heart out, Killswitch,” I explained, not caring one iota if I sounded like a pussy.
He sat back in the chair, but his expression was unreadable. “She was running the store today?”
“Yes. That’s where I saw my son for the first time.” I dropped my gaze to my hands that were squeezing my thighs, then looked back up. “Dallas said I could trust you guys.”
“If you don’t fuck us over, yeah, you can.”
“I’ve been having visions of that little boy for over a year. I had no idea who he was. I thought maybe he was Dallas as a kid. Now, I know better.”
The usually intimidating man’s eyes went wide, and his jaw fell. “Jesus, I never even realized how much he looks like Crypt Keeper. I’m by no means talking shit about my niece, but you sure he’s not his?”
My hands curled into fists. “No way. My brother was still up north of here. Ryian never even met him. And remember what you said about genetics?”
“Shit yeah, I do. Well, what a clusterfuck this is. What are the odds that all these moving parts come together to line up like this?”
“That’s exactly what I thought.” I noticed he didn’t say anything about me having visions. Maybe he didn’t catch that.
“Now tell me about these visions,” he instructed, and I winced internally.
“Shit. Okay. Here goes nothing.” I proceeded to tell him about how I’d had visions for as long as I could remember. They were never anything I could control. They just popped up when I least expected it. Then there were times that I dreamed of things that later came true.
He asked several questions, and I answered the best I could.