“Today, we did a little shopping downtown. I got to meet Ruby.”

That launches the girls into conversations and stories about Ruby leading into talking about all sorts of Christmas planning.

They make sure that they include me in the conversation, and they seem like generally nice people. It's been so long since I've had a good friend that I could talk to, and it's been even longer since I felt so at ease around people.

This might work out after all.



The guysand I head to one of the train station meeting rooms. While I hate to leave Evelyn alone, I trust her with the girls. Plus, I know she needs to make friends. The more connections she has here, the more likely she is to stay.And she needs to stay.

“What’s wrong? Did you not get the birds and the bees talk?” Viper asks with a smirk.

I'm not a violent person, but I see an opportunity. When he tips his chair back on its legs, I shove the chair, sending him flying backward. I have to say the look on his face is very satisfying.

“Hey! I was just joking!” He stands up and fixes the chair, moving out of my reach.

“I am still pissed at you guys for what you did. Anything could have happened to her on her way here. Even worse, you lied to her. She told me a story of a creep she met along the way. Hell, you couldn't have sprung to get her a first-class flight?” I try not to yell.

Viper at least looks guilty, and Lightning looks over at his brother Thunder.

“Don't look at me! I told you this was a shit idea. It's why I told him,” Thunder says.

“But she’s okay, right? The rules the site put up were that she was to arrange the transportation here…” Lightning starts.

“Then you should have sent her the money!” I roar so loud I'm sure the girls can hear me.

“Everything okay?” Sean, the interim sheriff, asks.

“Fine.” but the shit-eating grin on Six's face throws me. “What the hell are you smiling about?”

“You like her,” he says calmly as he sits back in his chair and crosses his arms.

“We know this feeling well, brother,” Ford says.

“What feeling are we talking about?” Sean says, taking a seat.

“The falling in love, but fighting it one.” Six smirks again.

“I'm sure this isn't what you came here for. What’s up?” Bear says to Sean, trying to change the subject and thankfully, the guy plays along.

“I texted him on my way here,” I say. “There is something I want to talk to you guys about.”

“Alright,” Sean interrupts. “I wanted you all to be the first to know that I've put in to become the town sheriff. Even though I wasn't sure if I wanted the job, I sure as hell don't want to bring in an outsider.”

“Well, perfect timing, Sheriff Lawson. We need good leadership. You let us know whatever you need to get the office back on track,” Atlas says before turning to me and nodding.

“I was at the Merc talking to Ruby…” I say, and the room fills with groans.

“Listen, she wasn't asking for help this time. In passing, she told me her and Orville were invited to a Christmas party at the Hot Springs. Apparently, it was just bought out and they are going to share their new plans at the party,” I say.

“I didn't even know it was for sale,” Atlas says.

“There was never a for sale sign up, but today there was a sign about it being closed for renovations when I left the refuge,” Asher says.

“Ruby and Orville are going and invited Evelyn and me so she can get to know Evelyn better,” I say.