The moment we walk in, it smells like hot coffee, fresh pine, and peppermint. There are Christmas carols softly filling the air, and a little old lady greets us with a huge smile and a hug for Scar.
“Scar, there you are! Perfect timing. I need something off that top shelf, and I was hoping one of you boys would walk in and be able to help. Oh, my, who is this?” Ruby asks when she sees me.
“Ruby, this is Evelyn,” he says, pausing for a moment before adding, “My fiancé.”
Ruby’s eyes go big, and I can tell the news caught her by surprise.
“Well, Scar, I am just plum shocked. I didn’t even know you were seeing someone! Oh, come here, Hun,” Ruby says before pulling me into a big hug like my grandmother used to do.
“We are so happy you are here in Mustang Mountain! Where are you from?” She grills me while Scar goes to the back to get the box Ruby asked for.
“Kentucky,” I say.
“And how did you two meet?” I’m not sure if he wants people to know that we met on a mail-order bride website. Since I don’t want to lie, I just smile “You will have to ask him the story.”
Thankfully, she accepts my answer and gives Scar her attention as he comes back in with the box. While he talks toRuby and some of the other people there, Scar gives me time to shop.
I find a jacket I like, but the price makes me cringe, so I set it back and look at the sale rack. I don’t notice Scar beside me until he is placing the first jacket in my hands.
“If you like it, buy it. Money isn’t a problem. Also, I saw you eyeing the blanket and pillows over there. Grab them. I think they will look great on the couch,” he says before selecting a few other items before we check out.
“Oh, Evelyn, that jacket is going to look stunning on you. I can’t believe Scar here has been keeping you a secret. I can’t want to get to know you some more. In fact, Orville and I have been invited to this Christmas party at the Hot Springs. Someone just bought it and wants to share the remodel ideas,” she says.
Judging by Scar’s frown, this is not a good idea.
“I didn't know someone had bought that place. Any idea who it is?” he asks.
“No, that's why Orville and I are going to go down and see if we can meet them and find out what's going on. It would be great to have you guys there with us,” Ruby says.
Scar turns to me. “What do you say? You up for a little impromptu Christmas party?”
It's been a while since I’ve been able to attend any kind of Christmas party because of working at the diner and all. I love the thought of getting dressed up, having a good time, and enjoying the night.
“Yeah, I think it could be really fun,” I say.
Scar turns back to Ruby. “Looks like we'll see you there.”
“Ooh, that's so wonderful! Wait until I tell Orville,” Ruby says as we finish paying for our stuff.
We visit a few more stores on Main Street, including the outdoor store. I’m shocked that the experience of shopping withScar is much like at the mercantile. He makes sure that I get what I want, and price doesn't seem to matter. With all my shopping, I try to buy the cheaper version or go without when something is expensive, and he stops me. He even buys the bigger pack of Oreos for me at the store instead of the small one I grab.
“One more stop. I want to let the guys at the club know about what's going on with the Springs. Plus, I think it will be good for you to meet some of the girls,” he says once we're done shopping and back in his truck.
“Sounds good to me.” I try not to let on that I'm nervous about meeting everyone, but I could really use some friends in the area as well.
“Luna should be there. She's my buddy Ford's wife, and a teacher at the school, so she might have some tips if you're looking for a job there.”
When we walk into the train station where they are meeting, there are quite a few people there already. Scar walks me right over to where the girls are all hanging out on some of the couches.
“Hey, this is my fiancée, Evelyn. Can she hang out with you all while I go talk to the guys about a few things?” Scar then introduces me to a few people, including Luna and Ginger.
I watch him meet with a few of the men, and then they head to one of the back offices, so I turn my attention to the women.
“You just got in yesterday, right?” The blonde one whose name I can't remember asks.
“Yes, it was a two-day bus ride, so I was really happy to sleep in a real bed,” I say with a smile.
“Have you had a chance to see any of the town?” Luna asks.