“Now, I think it's even more important that anyone who has plans to get married does so in the next few weeks. Sheriff Lawson will do what he has to do to uphold the law. God forbid we have to enact spousal immunity, but if necessary, we will,” Atlas says.
The message is clear: we fight hard. We aren't starting off soft like we did with Savage Bones.
I’m watchingmy best friend get married to his girl in whatever this wedding week parade the club has cooked up. Atlas looks elated to be marrying Bex. I’m happy for him and glad I was able to be here. Though I’m trying not to let my mind wander about maybe it being me one day. I have no illusions that a good woman is going to want anything to do with an ex-con like me.
Once Atlas and Bex say, I do and kiss, there are loud cheers, and I can’t help but feel the infectious energy surrounding everyone. They walk up the aisle, husband and wife. The moment they are outside, there is a rush of activity as people start getting things ready for the next wedding. I heard they are doing five of them today. Something about the moon alignment being good luck.
Slowly, I make my way outside, trying to give the newlyweds a moment alone, but also not wanting to be swept up in whatever is going on inside either. They transformed the old train station into a wedding center this week, and while they have done an amazing job, it is a bit over the top for me.
Stepping outside, I enjoy the hit of the cold mountain air that I’ve missed so much.
“Hey man, I really appreciate you being here. It means the world to us,” Atlas says, walking up to me with his bride on his arm.
“Congrats! There is no way I was going to miss this. Even though I have no idea what a wedding parade is,” I say, shaking his hand.
“You and me both,” Atlas says.
“It’s a week of weddings,” Bex says. “What happened was there were many of us in the club who were engaged and wanted to get married. But there was so much going on with the Savage Bones, that the guys thought it best we wait. They knew if we proceeded with a wedding event, we would have given the Bones a big fat target. Now that they are gone, none of us want to wait anymore. Instead of trying to coordinate over fifteen weddings so they didn’t overlap, or interrupt everyone’s honeymoon schedule, this seemed like the easiest solution.”
“As a guy, I like the idea of always having a reason to celebrate between Christmas and New Year's every year. It can just be one big club party.” Atlas smiles.
“Oh, I just remembered. Let me go talk to Emerson, as I had an idea about the arch,” Bex says, running off toward the blonde by the door.
“While I have you alone for a minute, I want to tell you how glad I am that you are coming home, because it looks like we might have more trouble on the horizon,” Atlas says.
“What do you mean?” I ask.
“Come here, let me show you something,” Atlas nods to his truck and I follow. He reaches in and pulls out a Christmas card.
“You know these normally bring good news,” I say, holding it.
“Read it,” he orders, crossing his arms.
“Thanks for taking care of Savage Bones for us and enjoy your last Christmas in Mustang Mountain. Who the fuck sent this?” I ask.
“The new developer that bought out the Hot Springs. We’ve been digging, but it looks like a shell company. Apparently, they’ve started to buy the Hot Springs and a few Silver Creek Properties. We can’t link it to anyone else or any company and have no idea where they are getting their money from,” Atlas says.
“I was looking forward to some down time working on the ranch, but I’m happy to help any way I can.” I hand the card back to him.
“Speaking of, what are your plans for the land?” he asks as he puts the card back in his truck.
“I’m going to fix it up, and I’m going to need help. I rather like the idea of using the land as a rehab place for other ex-cons and struggling veterans. Someplace where they can get on their feet and have a roof over their head while they make their next plans.”
“People like you,” Atlas says.
I nod as we make our way back to the front of the train station.
If I hadn’t had this land to come back to, I don’t know where I’d be. Even though I know Atlas wouldn’t have let me sink, but knowing I could do it on my own means much more.
“There you are!” The most stunning woman I’ve ever seen calls out and rushes toward us.
Her glossy brown hair is done up in curls that bounce as she walks. She has a huge smile on her face and her deep green dress makes her eyes sparkle. When she walks right up to Atlas and hugs him, I’ve never hated my best friend more than at this moment.
“Shane, remember Caitlin, my little sister?” he asks.