When he sits on the swing, my heart leaps and nothing has ever felt so right. There’s enough space between us for another person, but I can't blame him because he has no idea which way this is going to go.

“I got your letter. It made me cry,” I tell him, not knowing where to start.

“I hate I wasn’t here to hold you,” he says quietly.

“Thank you for giving me the space I asked for, even if I hated every minute apart from you.”

His eyes snap to mine. I can see the hope in them.

So, I scoot across the swing to his side and tug the blanket over us. He pulls me into his lap and wraps his arms around me.For the first time tonight, my brain finally calms down. I’m at home right in his arms.

“I want to stay,” I whisper.

“I want you to stay,” Scar says.

Neither of us moves.

We just soak up the warmth in each other’s arms and enjoy the feeling of our bodies close together.

“I am so sorry I didn't tell you,” he says.

“I know. In a way, I'm glad you didn’t because I don't know how I would have reacted. It was still a shock to find out the way I did.”

At my words, he holds me tighter, like he's afraid I'm going to jump up and leave him.

He runs a hand through my hair, cupping the back of my head before moving me so he can look into my eyes.

“I love you, Evelyn. With everything I have.”

In the depth of my heart, I know I’m making the right choice. “I love you, too,” I tell him, my voice breaking as tears run down my cheeks yet again.

His lips crash onto mine. The passion and desperate need behind the kiss have me turning in his lap to straddle him. I'm a second from letting him take me right here on the porch in front of the entire neighborhood. Finally, he pulls away.

“Come home with me, please,” he begs.

I nod because I don't want to be away from him for a moment more.

“Let me grab my stuff and leave a note for Ford and Luna,” I say.

“Do it.” He gives me a much too quick second kiss before helping me stand.

Thankful I never unpacked my bag, I place the blanket back on my bed and grab my stuff. I take it out to Scar who is waiting on the porch.

“I just need to leave them a note,” I say.

“I'll take this to the truck,” he nods.

Back inside, I look in the kitchen and living room for a notepad, but can't find anything. I do see the whiteboard on the wall where a few reminders are written that look like they have been there since this summer. I grab the dry-erase marker and leave a note.

Talked with Scar. Worked it out. Heading home. Thank you for everything. - Evelyn.

Hopefully, they see it, but I will call tomorrow to say thank you again and make sure.

Then I walk out to the truck to my future and to the one person I really want to be with.