“What was your plan when I got here if you hadn't told him?” I ask.
They glance at each other, and guilty looks cross all their faces.
“We were hoping you guys would hit it off. Then we could tell you what we did, and you'd laugh it off. Worst case, we'd be here like this trying to convince you to give him a chance,” Six says.
“It’s not easy to just shrug off something when you are playing with people’s emotions,” Luna chimes in. “She had made plans and was uprooting her entire life. What if Scar had said no and sent her away?”
“The club would have taken care of her, and you know that,” Thunder says.
“I don't want to be anyone's charity case,” I interject.
“Well, it's a good thing you don't have to be. Scar wants you, and the fact that you are hurting is killing him. Yes, he should have told you, and honestly, we thought he had. But he was scared of losing you, just as he is now. And desperate men do desperate and stupid things,” Bear says.
Hearing Bear’s explanation, I'm pretty sure that is the most I've heard him talk since I've been in Mustang Mountain.It has to be a record.
“Listen, we are so sorry for the role we played in this. All we ask is that you don't make any rash decisions. Stay here a few days and let everything settle. My grandma used to say things always look better after a good night’s sleep,” Lightning says.
“Look, we want both you and Scar to be happy, and he has truly fallen in love with you. We have seen it with our own eyes, so I'm not above begging you to stay and give him a chance,” Viper says, and all the guys nod at his words.
They all look so genuine and contrite. It’s obvious to me that they truly care for their friend, and I can't fault them for that.
“I promise to not make any rash decisions and to stick around for a few days before doing anything,” I say.
What I don't tell them is that was the plan anyway. But when I say it, they all look relieved.
“One more thing. Scar asked us to give this to you.” Thunder holds out an envelope with my name scrawled across the front.
My hands shake as I reach out to take it from him.
They say goodnight to Ford and Luna before leaving, while I sit there and look at the envelope in my hand.
“Daddy?” a sleepy voice asks as the door closes.
“Sorry to wake you, Izzy,” Ford says as he picks her up and sits in the chair beside the couch.
The shy smile tells me she heard more than she is letting on.
“Who was here?” she asks.
“Just some of the guys. They came to talk to Evelyn,” Ford says.
"About Scar?” Izzy says.
“Were you eavesdropping again?” Luna asks as she reaches over and tickles Izzy.
Izzy sighs and sits up, looking right at me.
“Listen it's simple. Do you love Scar?” Izzy asks.
Luna's mouth drops open and Ford is trying not to laugh. But I don't even have to think about my answer.
“Yes,” I say, not sure why I'm telling an almost eight-year-old.
“See, then I don't know what the problem is. He loves you, and you love him. This can be fixed with a simple conversation,” Izzy says.
“It's not always that easy,” Ford says, and Izzy looks at him.
“Why not?” Izzy asks.