Thankfully, when I get there, all five of them are there already.
“I don't know which of the girls said something to her, and I don't care, but since she found out that you guys set this whole thing up with her, she doesn't seem to believe I want her or that I care. She is now at Ford and Luna's making plans to leave me!” I yell because the whole situation and the lack of control are getting to me.
These guys are some of my best friends and they sit there and let me get it all out before I collapse in one of the chairs.
“Emerson told me what happened. She said Evelyn was more hurt than mad," Bear says in his calm, steady voice.
That sends a stab right to my heart. I can handle her being mad at me. That’s easy to fix. But hurting her isn't something that is as easy to mend.
“You guys are going to help fix this.” I point a finger at Viper in particular because I know he was the mastermind behind this.
“Can I ask you a question?” Viper asks.
I don't say anything, just stare at him.
“Why didn't you tell her?” he asks.
Ahh, the same question I've been asking myself from the moment she told me what happened.
“I didn't want to hurt her, and it was easier like this.” I cross my arms over my chest.
“But it would have avoided this situation,” Lightning says.
Even though I know he's right, I want to wring his neck.
“I get that. I made a choice, and it backfired. Now I'm asking for help to fix what you guys started,” I say.
They all look at each other before they look back at me.
“What do you need from us?” Six asks.
“I have a plan. Just don't let her leave town. She was thinking of going to Bozeman and I don't want her to talk Ford and Luna into taking her there tonight,” I say.
“We can do that. And Scar? We will make this right,” Six promises.
“I sure as fuck hope so because if she goes to Bozeman, I'm going with her,” I say and they all know that means leaving them, and leaving the club.
I hate crying, but I just can't seem to stop. Luna has been letting me sob on her shoulder and hasn't said a word. Twice now I thought I had myself together, but then the tears started again. When the doorbell rings, my tears instantly dry up. I reach for a tissue, blow my nose and dry my face before Ford answers the door.
There is some whispering at the door before Ford steps back. Thunder, Six, Bear, Viper, and Lightning enter.
“What are they doing here?” I say more to Luna than anything.
“Scar told us what happened and how upset you are. This is our fault. The whole thing was our idea, and we need to apologize to you,” Viper says.
“What?” I ask, letting their words sink in.
“Scar is a great guy. Always there to help us and never complains. He sat there and watched each of us fall in love, and when he got drunk last month and started talking about how he's never going to find what we have and how much we wanted it, I knew it was time to do something. To the guys, I drunkenly mentioned the website because I'd heard about it before,” Viper says.
“We went along with it,” Lightning says.
“Not me,” Thunder grumbles.
“Thunder was the voice of reason. When he found out, he made us tell Scar. But by the time he found out, you were already on your way here,” Lightning says.
“He took one look at your picture, and it was like he was punched in the gut. Which is how I felt when I saw Emerson for the first time,” Bear says.