“Yes, they set it up and only told me about an hour before you pulled up on the bus. But I have fallen in love with you, and I want you to stay. I want to marry you not because of a contract, but because I love you and want you.”

Standing there, the room spins. This isn't what I expected. I was so set on my plan on the way home, and now I feel like my whole world is off-kilter yet again. Right now, I don't think I can deal with it all and feel like I'm about to lose it right here in front of him.

“All of this is too much,” I whisper, trying to hold it together. I can’t make any decisions right now because I need time to think. “Luna offered me their guest room and I'm going to go stay there tonight. I just need some space.”

He reluctantly stands and allows me to pack a bag. We don't say another word until I step back into the living room with my bag in hand.

“I'll drive you. I want to make sure you get there okay,” he says.

“Thank you.”

Ford offered to come get me if needed. But they are already being so nice, I’ll take Scar up on the ride. Part of me does not want to say goodbye just yet. We don't say a word in the truck or all the way home.

When he pulls into the driveway, a light comes on over the front door and moments later Ford and Luna step onto the porch.

I turn to Scar to say thank you, but before I can open my mouth, his lips are on mine. I melt into the kiss. My body has been craving his touch. I kiss him back, still not knowing if this will be the last time. Right now, I don't know what to think.

“Don’t forget that I love you, Evelyn. I'll wait as long as it takes for you to see that. Call me if you need anything,” he says, moving away from me.

I don't know what to say, so I just nod and open the truck door. I'm assaulted by the cold Montana air on my face and am thankful that it will hide the flush I can feel there from that kiss. When I reach the front door where Ford and Luna are, she pulls me into a big hug and leads me into the house. I don't even turn back to see Scar. I can't.

Inside the house it is warm, even if I just feel numb. It smells like sugar cookies and it’s cozy and welcoming.

“Here is your room. You stay as long as you need,” Luna says, showing me the guest room with a bed already made up.

This is what a guest room looks like when you know someone is coming to visit. The fact that Scar's guest room wasn't ready should have been my first clue that something wasn't right.

But I let it go. I wanted it all to work out, so I wasn't on guard like Ishould have been.

“Just set your stuff down here and let's get you a warm drink and we can talk. You look like you have the world on your shoulders,” Luna says.

I set my bag down and follow her back to the living room and sink down into the couch. Luna sits next to me and pulls a blanket from the back of the couch over us.

Ford walks out of the kitchen with two steaming hot mugs.“Hot chocolate always seems to solve life's problems. Call if you ladies need me. I'm going to answer some emails in our room,” Ford says before leaning over and kissing Luna on the cheek and leaving the room.

“So, we shouldn't have assumed you knew…” she starts.

I stop her. “No, I should have known, and that’s the messed-up part. This isn't a normal situation and it's hard enough whenyou think the guy wants you. But knowing he had no idea makes me feel like a burden.”

“Trust me, he doesn't look at you like you're a burden. He looks at you the same way Ford looked at me, the way he still looks at me,” Luna says with a goofy smile on her face.

Without answering, I take a sip of my hot chocolate. I haven’t seen him look at me like that, so I just let it go and then tell her my plan of getting a job in Bozeman.

“Why don't you take a few days here and think about it? You have a job, and you can stay here, and we can help you find a place to stay if that is what you want. I know a few people who have apartments above the shops downtown,” she says.

“I know it looks bad leaving the job after I just accepted…”

“Oh, I'm not worried about that. I hate to think I'm losing a friend I just made, and I really do think rushing out of town, especially during the holidays, is a bad idea. If in a few days, if you are still set on Bozeman, we will drive you there and help you find a place. But the last thing I want is for you to end up in a bad situation because you feel like you have no other choice,” Luna says.

At her words, I start crying. I forgot what it was like to have someone else on my side.



WatchingEvelyn walk into Ford and Luna's house was like having my heart ripped out. I bared my soul, and it wasn't enough. When I said that I'd wait forever for her, I meant it. Because when she comes back, I don't want there to be any doubt.None whatsoever.

That means I have to wrap up all the loose ends. While Evelyn was packing her bag, I texted Thunder, Six, Bear, Viper, and Lightning. Since they started this, they are going to help me fix it. Once I have the strength to leave Ford's driveway, I head right to the train station where the guys are meeting me.