“I used to love building snowmen with my dad.Our neighborhood would all build them in front of the houses, and we'd always go outside to see each other’s. You should have seen some of the snowmen the neighborhood came up with.” I laugh.
“Tell me,” he says as we go outside.
“One year, a neighbor made a zombie snowman when it snowed on Halloween. Another year, Dad made a mermaid snowman because I was obsessed with mermaids. He bought edible glitter paint and everything to color it up. I have photos in a box back home. The year the movieFrozencame out, all the houses made a version of Olaf. There was a whole write up in the paper and everything.”
While I’m talking, Scar has a blast making a regular snowman surrounded by two baby snowmen. He even tries to make a snowman on a motorcycle, but it keeps falling apart.
I'm watching him when I hear some rustling in the woods and look behind me to see the largest wolf I think I've ever seen walk out of the trees. I yelp and jump behind Scar, who looks up and laughs.
The bastardlaughsat the wolf.
“This isn't funny,” I hiss, trying to stay still, hoping the large animal will run back into the woods.
“We aren't in danger. This is just Hades,” Scar says, walking over to the wolf and petting him like he’s a large dog.
“Is he a neighbor’s pet?” I’m confused.
“No, he's more like a town pet. A buddy of mine rescued him as a pup. He raised him and released him when he could fend for himself. But he loves attention and anything with peanut butter. Also, he likes to be scratched behind the ears, and he's even helped us a few times against Savage Bones this last year.”
“Come pet him.” He holds out his hand.
Like Hades can tell I'm nervous, he lies down and looks at me with what I swear is a huge smile on his face. Slowly, I walk over and take Scar’s hand before reaching down to pet Hades. As soon as I scratch behind his ear, he closes his eyes and rubs against my leg like my neighbor's cat used to do.
He lets me pet him for a minute before he stands up, licks my hand, and runs back off into the woods.
“Come on, let's go get warm,” Scar says.
The sun is starting to set, and it's a great end to what I think is a perfect day. Now, if I can just not let my nerves get the best of me in my interview, I’ll be set.
Evelyn has her interview today,and this will be the first time she's been away from me. Even when she was shopping with the girls, I was nearby, catching glances of her, even though she didn't know.Though I insisted on driving her, so at least I’ll know she gets there and home safely.
“You are going to do great. You already know Luna, and I'm sure you two talked about what to expect,” I say, wanting to get her talking.
“Yeah, she is pretty sure I have the job in the bag as long as I don't flub the interview.”
“Well, I can say your outfit is perfect and I can't wait to peel it off of you later.” I wink at her and enjoy the blush that coats her cheeks.
Even with everything we have done in the last few days, she still blushes when I talk about anything to do with sex. I hope that never changes.
I pull up to the school admin building, which is next to the elementary school. “You got this. Call me when you’re finished and let me know how it went,” I say, leaning in to kiss her.
“Don't forget Luna and a few of the girls are taking me shopping after so I can get you a Christmas gift,” she reminds me.
“I know. I'm going to hang out with Atlas and the guys. Call me when you are done,” I say, smiling.When Atlas suggested I come help at the clubhouse to take my mind off leaving her, I took him up on it.
She wanted to get me something, but was hesitant about taking money from me. Reassuring her, I told her she can pay me back when she gets the job. She agreed. Like hell I'll take money from her. It's a privilege to take care of her and eventually, she will learn it.
She kisses me again before getting out of the car, and I watch her head into the building before I drive off. With her distracted, I take the opportunity to go to the Merc and chat with Ruby. I figure she will be the perfect person to help with what I need.
As soon as I walk into the store, it's like being slapped in the face with Christmas. Peppermint and pine fill the air, Christmas music plays, and holly jolly decor is everywhere.
“Scar, hey honey, you here for some coffee? Where is your bride to be?” Ruby asks, stretching her neck and looking behind me.
“She is at her interview with the school board.”