My muscles give out and I collapse on top of her. Then I roll to the side, so I don't crush her. For a minute I lie there trying to catch my breath before I get up to dispose of the condom. Grabbing a warm washcloth, I go clean her up.

She is lying in bed, looking completely sated and knowing it's from me does something funny to my heart. I gently wash her, and then put the washcloth back in the bathroom before climbing into bed with her.

As I pull the blanket over us because I don't want her to get cold, she snuggles right up to me. Despite everything that happened, I wasn't lying when I said it was going to be cold tonight. At some point, I do need to get up and get the fireplace going in my room, but there is something more important first.

“Evelyn, I want to marry you. From the moment I saw you step off that bus, I knew you were meant to be mine.”

“I want to marry you, too,” she says.

Tightening my arms around her, I pull her into me.

“A bunch of the guys from the club got engaged this year, and after we were able to secure the town, a few started talking about getting married. One thing led to another and after Atlas got frustrated not being able to remember who was married and who wasn't. Now the club is having a wedding parade the week between Christmas and New Years. We could get married then,” I tell her.

“I have no idea what that is.” She giggles.

“Basically, the girls all got together and are putting on one big wedding that lasts a full week. They are only decorating once, and each day two or three couples will get married. The brides and grooms will be spaced out, so everyone will get their moment. Finally, later that night, there will be one big reception for everyone.”

“That sounds like fun, but our contract says we have to be married before Christmas,” she says.

“Then I will make it happen,” I tell her.

“We could go to city hall and get married, then do the big ceremony for everyone that week. It sounds like so much fun and a great memory,” she says.

“Consider it done.” Now you rest here while I get the fire going.”



Scar wokeme up with two more orgasms before he got up to make breakfast. Even though he told me to go back to sleep, I don't think that's going to happen. Spotting the book he put on the nightstand this morning, I pick it up to continue reading it. I get a chapter in before he joins me with a tray loaded with a tasty looking breakfast.

“Whatever it is, it's the best breakfast I've ever had because I've never had breakfast in bed before,” I tell him as he walks in.

He pauses for a moment with a weird look on his face. Then he shakes his head and walks over the bed, setting the tray down before he joins me.

“What was that look?” I ask as he hands me a cup of coffee.

“You are so damn beautiful I catch myself wondering how no one has snatched you up before, or spoiled you with little things like breakfast in bed,”

“Simple. I was always a bit nerdy. Went to high school with the same people I went to kindergarten with. Takes the romance out of it when you’ve lived through the person's hormonal puberty years. Then I went to school close to home and kept my head down to finish and graduate a year early,” I say, taking a bite of the French toast he made that melts in my mouth.

“After college, I moved back in with my parents to help with the bills. My dad needed to retire, as his job was killing him. With me moving in and taking on half the bills, he was able to leave that job, but took on a part-time job at the hardware store. He loved earning a little extra money and being able to socialize with all the guys in town.”

“But when they died and everything fell on you, it was too much.” He finishes for me.

I nod. “If it weren't for all the medical bills, I think I would have been fine. The bills are what made it too much,” I say before taking another bite.

“Well, I say we take a lazy day today. We need to decorate the house for Christmas, and put the tree up. It's been lightly snowing, so we might be able to have some snow fun this afternoon.”

We had gotten more serious than I wanted, so I’m grateful that he changed the subject and moved on to fun stuff.

“Oh, I can make some gingerbread cookies. I saw the other night you have everything for my mom's recipe,” I say.

“Gingerbread cookies are my favorite,” Scar says with a big grin lighting up his face.

“As a kid, I always loved decorating them. I'd make a total mess, but my mom would take pictures and share them with the whole family as if I was the best artist she had ever seen,” I say.

“Then we should add cookie decoration to our list,” he says.