“Well, first I have to figure out the lay of the land, so just be patient with me.” She giggles.
She must be excited because as I’m parking the car in front of the cabin, she jumps out without waiting for me.
While she starts on dinner, I bring in the stuff we bought today and put everything away. She does a lot of opening cabinets to see where everything is before she gets started. Once I am done, I take a seat at the kitchen island to watch her as she gathers all the ingredients.
“Where are your spices?”
“Above the stove.” I have them stored in a basket out of her reach, so I’m ready to go help her get what she needs. It’s apparent that I’m going to need to find a new home for them.
She is struggling to grab the basket when I walk up behind her and reach for it. My front presses to her back, and there is no way she doesn't feel how hard I am. As soon as she feels me, she stops moving. I get the basket and place it on the counter as she turns to face me, still pressed between me and the counter.
Her eyes are wide, and her mouth is slightly parted, but her eyes are on my lips, and I lose it. I don't hesitate to lean in and kiss her. For a moment, she is completely still, seemingly shocked. But then her body melts into mine and I cradle her head between both my hands. She wraps her hands around my waist and holds on tight like I'm what is grounding her. When her lips press hard into mine, the kiss quickly turns hungry asour lips dance. My cock aches to claim her and I groan because the last thing I want to do is scare her away.
Pulling away, I place a gentle kiss on her forehead, but I don't take a step back. I'm not ready to put too much space between us yet.
She looks up at me sexy as fuck with a slight blush on her face and a lust haze in her eyes. I did that to her. That thought has me leaking cum in my pants.
Finally, I step away not wanting to rush things.
How the hell am I supposed to sleep now that I know what it feels like to have her body pressed against mine?
I’mnervous about wearing this dress. It’s gorgeous, but I haven’t worn something this nice since prom, and even then, it was a hand-me-down from my friend's older sister, not a brand-new dress bought just for me.
The other day, Scar had the girls take me shopping for a dress. He gave me his credit card and told them to make sure I bought the dress I liked, not what was the cheapest. It’s a hard habit to break, but he’s working on it with me.
When I saw it on the rack, I knew it was the dress. It’s a deep jewel-tone green with crystals around the neckline. It’s floor length, slits up one side, and the way it hugs my curves makes me look beautiful, not like a can of busted biscuits.
I do one more makeup check and add more hairspray to the curls in my hair, then head out to the living room to meet up with Scar. This will be the first time he’s seen me in the dress, so I really hope he likes it.
My heels click on the hardwood floor as I walk to the living room. This causes Scar to look up, and it’s like one of the movies when the hero sees the heroine for the first time all dressed up. His eyes go wide and his jaw drops. I feel my cheeks heat, andwhen I lower my head to look at my feet, there is no mistaking the bulge in his pants.
He clears his throat. “You look stunning.”
“Thank you,” I say and take in his dress pants and button-down shirt rolled up at the sleeves. “You look really good yourself.”
He holds up my jacket and helps me put it on, takes my hand, and leads me to his truck that he has already started. When I get inside, it’s nice and toasty warm.
Since that night in the kitchen, Scar hasn’t tried to kiss me again. I’d think he regretted it if he wasn’t constantly hard around me. Or for the sweet forehead kisses he gives me every night, and the way he holds my hand or wraps his arm around me when we are in town like I’m the most precious thing in the world.
Even though there haven’t been any more melt-my-panties-off kisses, he paid all the debt I incurred. Then he made sure I got my credit card linked to his so I could buy anything I wanted or needed.
I’m shocked he’s doing all this before we have even agreed to get married. We still have nine more days to decide, and we haven’t talked about it, but I really want this. I’ve never felt more cared for or safe. When Scar looks at me, it’s the way every girl hopes to be looked at – with heat and desire. But I’m very aware he can still change his mind and because of that, I’m scared to bring it up.
Ruby and Orville wanted the four of us to go to the party together. On the way to meet them in the truck, Scar reaches for my hand. “You warm enough?”
“Yes. Thank you. It was very sweet of you to warm up the truck while I got ready,” I tell him.
He smiles as we pull into the small parking area behind the Merc. Ruby and Orville are waiting in their large truck, so Scar helps me out of his and over to the backseat of theirs.
“Well, don’t you look prettier than a Christmas tree!” Ruby gushes as soon as I’m inside the truck.
“Thank you. I love your dress too! We will look like Christmas standing together!” I reply.
Ruby is in a red sequin dress that peak out under her coat and that will sparkle off any light that hits her. She even has on light-up Christmas tree earrings.