Page 62 of The Kiss Class

She brightens. “Let’s grab some supplies. I’m thinking glitter, sprinkles, chocolate, and felt. Just to start.”

“We’ll make our own Christmas tradition.”

“This is a year of firsts,” Cara says, voice muffled.

After shopping and with bags in hand, the going is slow as we head back to Golden Bantam Lane. The snow is deep and heavy, even on the road. I stop and gesture for Cara to hop on my back.

“I can’t have you carry me in this.”

“Your father would insist. Plus, he’d tell me that it’s a payback workout for missing the one with the team tonight.”

“He’d make you practice on Christmas?”

“That’s what the schedule said.”

“No wonder you guys are so good.”

“Your father is tough, but he’s an amazing coach.” I just wish I’d shown him my nice side and not naughty Pierre.

Cara clings to me as we brace against the wind until we’re finally back at her house. I make a fire, and it takes us a full hour to thaw out while we plan the first official Cara and Pierre Christmas, complete with the construction of a gingerbread house for my Elf on the Shelf, who we consider renaming Chard. But we decided that we don’t want to remember that loser next year, so we stick with Puck. The elf came with me on what ended up being the road trip from Omaha to Cobbiton. We also make a Christmas carol playlist, watchIt’s a Wonderful Life, and read aloud the Christmas story from Matthew in the Bible.

Cuddled up in front of the tree, Cara says, “This has been the best Christmas in recent memory.”

“Do you consider it a date?”

“Our third one?”

In a terrible voice, I sing, “On the first date of Christmas . . . we hugged.”

She giggles and joins me for the next round. “On the second date of Christmas, I gave you a kiss on the cheek . . .”

“On the third date of Christmas,” I start, knowing how I want this round to end.

She glances up. “We’re under the mistletoe, so with my dating rules in mind, this could mean we kiss.”

“This time without an audience.” I side-eye Puck, the elf perched on the banister, and turn him to face away.

Cara says, “I’d like that.”

I gaze into her hazel eyes, glimpsing the future. They’re the first thing I want to see when I wake up and the last when I go to sleep.

When our mouths meet, Cara’s lips on mine cause an instant head rush that drops down into my heart with a tinkle of bells.


Pierre has dissolved allmy first kiss fears. His lessons to remember to breathe, be present, and experience the moment don’t just apply to intimate moments but to life too.

All the same, my breath hitches when his mouth lands on mine. It catches somewhere in my chest, but that’s okay. I don’t need air. Just him. Us. Together. Like this.

A tingly little ripple flows through me when his fingers trail my neck and then brush along my arms before he rings my waist, holding me close.

I melt into him as my lips brush his cheek, pausing by his ear, and wander along his neck before I find my way back to his mouth. It was just a little detour. Being new to this, I want to explore all the places that make his smile widen.

All the while, Pierre’s fingers roam along my back before he laces his fingers through mine. It gives me certainty and an anchor that hints at what I want my future to look like—our hands joined together always.

When we return to the kiss, our mouths brush together slowly before it ramps up in intensity. I remember our start atthe Fish Bowl with him declaring,She’s mine.My memories meander dreamily through a winding story we fabricated about our past relationship. Snow drifts border our way forward, threatening to cave in before the path straightens, leading me to this very moment.

This kiss becomes the sweetest and most tender we’ve shared. It lengthens and deepens in every direction, leaving me breathless in the best of ways.