Page 87 of No One But Us

I can tell she desperately disagrees. “At least talk to your father’s attorney first,” shesays.

“Why? So he can tell me what’s in Dad’s bestinterest?”

“He and your father are looking after all of ourinterests.”

“Right. That’s why he said he won’t pay my tuition if I respond and would buy me a car if I kept quiet.Mybestinterest.”

I watch her harden a little, grow slightly sober, a tiny glint of hatred for my father puncturing her champagne-inducedbubble.

“Who are you talking to?” shesighs.

“I don’t know yet. I’ve got a friend setting itup.”

“Things go wrong on live TV,” she says. “You know that. You’re just providing more ways for the press to twist yourwords.”

“I’m releasing the voicemails he left for me too,” I tellher.

“Voicemails?” sheasks.

“I told you about them,” I say between my teeth. She finds out her teenage daughter is getting harassing voicemails from her boss and sheforgets? “They’re bad, but no one is going to believe my word against his withoutthem.”

She bites her lip, clearly uncertain about the course I’ve chosen, and turns to Tommy. Because who better to advise than a high school dropout with one song anyoneremembers?

“You deserve to have your side of the story out there,” hesays.

Hearing Tommy’s expert opinion seems to sway my mother, and her face grows relaxed and optimistic. They begin talking to each other, and I stoplistening.

Ryan glances quickly from my mother to me. “I had no idea it was like this with you guys,” he says quietly. “Why didn’t you ever tell me? I always thought you had super-involved sitcomparents.”

I smile a little. “I don’t know. You and I never talked about that kind ofthing.”

“We should have,” he says. “I would have wanted toknow.”

My mother reaches across the table and grabs my hand. “Do you want me and Tommy to come to yourinterviews?”

I control any eye-rolling urges admirably. Having my tipsy mother and her leather-clad boyfriend along for the ride would certainly make theminteresting, but I’m not sureinterestingis what I’mafter.

“I think I’ll beokay.”

Tommy’s eyes light up. “If it’s a canned piece, they’ll need some music for the lead-in and parts of the segment. Why don’t you see if they’d like to play something off our newalbum?”

Oh myGod.

Must. Roll.Eyes.

Summoning reserves of inner fortitude I didn’t know I possessed, I manage to smile. “What an interestingidea.”

Ryan’s leg is shaking with the effort not tolaugh.

“What a douche,” he says under his breath as Tommy and my mother begin another privateconversation.

I giggle. I love Ryan. Not in a romantic way, but as a friend, I really love him. And one day he’ll make someone—not me—an awesome boyfriend, if he can just get his dick out of the driver’sseat.

“So what happens with you and your bodyguard once school starts?” heasks.

“His name isJames.”

“Fine, James. Your bodyguard. The guy who starts growling the minute anyone gets within 10 feet ofyou.”