Page 46 of No One But Us


“No. It’s not.” His jaw sets. “And I’m sorry I got mad about you being outside in a towel, but here’s the thing: guys are dogs. Even the good ones. Even me. Even Max. Even my father. You’re this deadly combination of incredibly beautiful and a little naïve, and you just don’t seeit.”

“So you’re saying that what happened at Ginny’s birthday wasmyfault?”

“No. I take full responsibility for that. People do lots of stupid things when they’re drinking, and we’d been drinking a lot. I’m just saying it makes me crazy that you’re so naive, and it makes me crazier that I was the one to take advantage ofit.”

“I’m not that naive,” I counter, remembering all the times I had to drag my semi-conscious mother away from Flavio’s disgusting friends. “And you’re making it sound like I’m a moron. Like I’m outside hitchhiking in a halter top or walking around the house naked, and I’mnot.”

“Ginny told me you considered going to the Hamptons when Ferris invitedyou.”

I throw my hands up. “He implied that he wanted to set me up with his son! And he’s my dad’s age! I think it was a reasonablemisunderstanding.”

“Maybe it was, but she also told me the shit he said to you, and you should haveknown.”

“Thanks, James,” I rasp. “Because I don’t feel like a big enough asshole as it is.” I start to turn but he grabs myarm.

I hate that even at a moment like this, I’m still so absurdly conscious of him, of his bare chest and his vivid eyes and the place where his skin touchesmine.

“I’m sorry,” he pleads. “You’re right, and this is coming out all wrong. I’m just trying to say that I feel protective of you, and you might not think you need it, but I do. I still remember the little girl who came to me crying atcamp.”

“Everyone was little once. It doesn’t mean they stillare.”

“I know,” he concedes. “And I’ll try to be better about it. Just please keep in mind that you’re pretty—no, not just pretty, you’re absurdly beautiful—and you haven’t been on your own that long, so you need to becareful.”

“If I’m so pretty,” I blurt out, “then why was kissing me such amistake?”

He hesitates. “Elle, you’re 19. I just…don’t see you thatway.”

I feel like I’ve been hit. Not that I hadn’t surmised as much by the way he practically ran screaming from the restaurant when it happened, but still… Ithurts.

“So you’re not attracted to me?” Iask.

“There isn’t a straight male alive who isn’t attracted to you,” he sayshoarsely.

“So what’s the problem?” Ipersist.

I hate myself for pushing this, but on the other hand, it seems there’s nothing left to belost.

He pinches the bridge of his nose. “You can find someone attractive and still not want to be with them,” he finallysays.

“Ouch,” I sayquietly.

“You can’t take it personally. You can have anyonealive.”

“Not anyone,” I say, meeting his eye. “Not the person Iwant.”

I turn to go back to the house, knowing he will let me go. And knowing he will watch me the whole time I’m walking away. That’s the part I don’tunderstand.

Chapter 27


My entire lifeI’ve done the right thing. I went to good schools, joined the right clubs. I’m the guy parents like, the one who got their daughter home on time in high school and can be counted on to do the appropriate thing. I was voted “Most Likely to Succeed.” I was not even a contender for “Most Likely to Wind up inJail.”

Elle walks away, and I stand here watching her, feeling slightly ill. I don’t know who I’ve become this summer, around her, but I know I want it toend.

Max had the decency to wait until Elle was out of the room yesterday before he laid into me about throwing him against the wall. I deserved way worse from him than I got, under thecircumstances.