I shrug. “He’s justoverprotective.”
“Are you datinghim?”
“No. He thinks of me like a littlesister.”
“No, he doesn’t. He thinks of you like someone he’s either screwing or dying toscrew.”
I wish I didn’t feel the momentary thrill those wordselicit.
“You’re completely wrong,” I say. “He used to babysit me. He acts like that with every guy who comes near me orGinny.”
“If that’s true, then why didn’t he seem worried at all about Ginny coming out with ustonight?”
I shrug. “Maybe he just figured, because we dated…that you weren’t a threat toher.”
“So am I?” he asks, sidling closer to me. “Athreat?”
“No,” I scoff, stepping back a little. “You’ve probably caught more diseases on this tour than medical research has evenuncovered.”
“You know I always usecondoms.”
“You don’t wear them foreverything,” I saypointedly.
“I can’t catch anything that way,” heargues.
I’m not sure that’s true. I’m also not going to risk finding out. “Well, I can, so the answer’sno.”
“Damn,” he says. “You still give the best blow job I’ve ever had. I trained youwell.”
I’d assumed he was hooking up right and left all summer, but it still stings to have it thrown in myface.
“I’m glad you’ve had ample opportunities to compare and contrast,” Isnap.
“I’d give it all up if you’d come on tour with us,” he offers, suddenly earnest. “In aheartbeat.”
I thought he might suggest it, and I thought it was possible I’d still be tempted. But I’m not. Not even close. There’s only one person I want, and I’d give almost anything to be sitting with him on the deck rightnow.
* * *
I stay only on principle, but when they move to the next bar, I announce that I’m going home. I ask Ginny if she wants to come with me, and her gaze flickers to Paul, who she’s been sitting beside for the pasthour.
“I think I’ll stay out for a while,” shereplies.
She’s been drinking, so I know from experience that there’s no point in arguing with her. Fortunately, I can trust Ryan and his friends not to push her into anything she doesn’t want todo.
Ryan pulls me aside and asks me to come with them, tucking a curl behind my ear like he did earlier. For just a moment he’s the sweet version of himself—the one who played me songs on his guitar and brought me flowers when I got my first D on an exam. But he’s also the guy who admits he can’t keep it in his pants unless I’m there to play watchdog, the guy who never made me a priority. And most of all, he’s notJames.
I walk home, feeling defeated in a number of ways. James is waiting when I get inside, holding a book in his hand that he doesn’t seem to bereading.
“Were you waiting up for us?” Iask.
He shrugs. “I didn’t trust that guy. Where is he anyway? And where’s mysister?”
“They went to some other bar,” I say. “They’ll probably be home in awhile.”
I sit on the chair opposite him and kick off my heels. The movement catches his attention for a moment. He’d never admit it, but I think he likes mylegs.
“Why would you date a guy like that?” he asks suddenly. “Why are you even still friends with him after he told you he was going tocheat?”