“I think that’s been taken care of,” Brendan reminds me, referring to how poorly things have gone for Rob since our break-up. Apparently his fling with Christina began long before they left for Amsterdam, and she wasn’t the only woman at the office he was sleeping with. When Christina found out, she and the other woman both claimed they’d been sexually harassed. I have no idea if it’ll hold up in court—probably not—but since both women reported to him, it’s unseemly enough that he’s been asked to resignregardless.
“I still wish you’d kicked his ass at some point,” Imutter.
Brendan laughs low, under his breath. “That’s been taken care oftoo.”
“What? I don’t remember you being in afight.”
He smirks. His cockiness hasn’t diminished one bit since we got together. “It probably wasn’t obvious to you because when I get in a fight, I don’tlose.”
“But when? I can’t believe it happened and I’m just learning about itnow.”
“About an hour after you told me the shit he said when you broke up with him. He called you a whore. Did you really think I was going to let thatslide?”
I shake my head and smile to myself. I remember thinking Brendan seemedunusuallycalm when I told him. Now I knowwhy.
“Anyway,” he continues, “it’s all worked out for the best. I’d gladly give up a couple of years with you, if I’m getting forever inexchange.”
“Forever, huh?” I tease, leaning against hisshoulder.
“Yeah, smart ass,” he says. “You got a problem withthat?”
I laugh. “Nope. Forever sounds just aboutright.”
* * *
Everyone’son the back deck when we arrive at Will and Olivia’s. Matthew throws himself at Brendan while Dorothy leaps up to hug usboth.
“Hey, Brendan, introduce us to your friend,” Oliviacalls.
He scowls. “You’ve known her longer than you’ve knownme.”
“Sure,” she grins, “but I want to hear you say it. Go ahead. I know it’s a hard word, but you can do it. Say it with me.Girlfriend.Guuurrrlfriend.”
“This is Erin, my girlfriend,” he says with a sheepishsmile.
“Now that that’s out of the way, we’re stealing her,” says Olivia, rising to her feet. “We’re goingshopping.”
His eyes narrow. “You hate shopping. And we just gothere.”
She shrugs. “This was your mother’sidea.”
He turns his glare to his mother. “Take someone else’s girlfriend on your escapade. She worked all week. I’ve barely seenher.”
Olivia laughs. “Don’t you livetogether?”
“Yes, but…” His shoulders sag in resignation. He leans over to kiss me. “Don’t let them keep you allafternoon.”
“Wow,” says Will to Brendan as we go inside. “You’re even more pussy-whipped than Ithought.”
* * *
Olivia drivesto J.Crew at Pacific Place. The truth is I’d have preferred to stay back with Brendan—we so rarely get a whole day together—and I don’t feel like shoppinganyway.
“I’ll just push Caroline in the stroller while you guys look around,” Isuggest.
“But you’re the reason for this trip,” saysDorothy.
“Me?” I ask. “You know Harper’s forbidden me to purchase my own clothesanymore.”