Page 89 of Wolf Alliance

Niamh rode up next to Accalia. “I’m so excited about going to Whitehaven.” She glanced over at Logan who was riding a distance from them, watching for trouble.

“You dinna choose to come with us because you are interested in a male wolf, are you?” Accalia was so amused.

Niamh blushed. “Of course, no’. I wanted to be with you. We’re practically sisters. And”—she brushed a loose curl of hair out of her eyes—“I may end up with a mate. Who knows?”

Accalia laughed. “You will.” She was looking forward to returning to her new home. She hadn’t realized how much having Erik and his sons in her life had impacted her. But Whitehaven was home for her now. The pack members were her family. And she was glad for that. Having Niamh join her made it even better.

The boys had the same difficulty as they had on the previous journey. They grew tired, especially after taking a break and eating, halfway through the day. Once they started riding again, they would grow sleepy, and some men would take them on their saddles, to ensure they didn’t fall from their mounts.

At gloaming, they stopped, set up their tents, and readied themselves for bed. The boys were exhausted. They settled down on their furs and soon fell asleep without a word.

Niamh slipped into the tent to sleep with them. Accalia was glad she still had female companionship on the journey.

Erik circled his arm around Accalia and pulled her close. They kissed each other deeply and hugged, the warmth of his body welcoming in the chilly night air. She wanted him to sleep in the tent with her, but he would keep an eye on the tent. She understood why. He felt he could guard them better while watching over their camp as they slept.

But even though they couldn't share a tent, just having him close by was enough for her. She loved feeling him wrapped around her at night, knowing he was always there to protect and care for her.

They didn’t believe Freigard was still intent on causing trouble for them this soon after his last defeat, not when he had lost so many men during the conflict at her da’s castle and again at the campsite. She thought Erik and their pack would be safe enough. They didn’t have Alasdair and his men now to help protect them, but they had thirty men of their own.

She kissed his cheek. “I canna wait until we’re home again.”

“You sound like the lads.”

She poked him in the chest. “You know what I mean.”

He chuckled. “I do. I was thinking the very same thing.”

“You had better be.”

He slipped his hand up to her breast and caressed it through her gown. “Aye, believe me, I think of naught also.”

She tilted her chin up to kiss him and moaned when he got her all worked up. Thankfully, the wolves guarding the camp were not paying any attention to them. At least she hoped not.

Then she wrapped her arms around his neck and rubbed her body against his. “You are ready for me, I can see.”


“A day and a half and we will be home.”

“And retire to bed midday.”

She smiled. “Everyone will have a chuckle over that.”

“They will understand.” He sighed. “Get your sleep. It willna be long before we are traveling again.”

“Aye, I will see you in the morn.”

Then they kissed again, and she retired to the tent. The boys were sound asleep. Niamh smiled at her and whispered, “You are so lucky.” She waved her arm at the sleeping boys. She was on one side of them, taking a protective position while Accalia lay down on the other side of the lads. “And of course the Great White Wolf Chief? He is better than I imagined.”

Accalia smiled. “He’s mine.”

Niamh laughed softly. “Aye. I’m more interested in a bachelor wolf, and you have a lot of them in the pack.”

“We do. You’ll find someone.” Accalia realized that Niamh wanted something that she had, and she would do everything to help her find the right mate.

As she drifted off to sleep, the only sounds were the rustling of leaves and the lads’ steady breathing. But in the middle of the night, she felt them snuggling up to her, waking her, and she smiled, hugging them, and keeping them warm.

She thought about Erik and again wished they were together in bed at home, enjoying each other as mated wolves—safe from any possible harm.