Baldur tore into Dunbar as a wolf, targeting his throat, and killing him instantly. His brother had been willing to sacrifice their kin for the sake of power, and he could never be trusted again. Erik understood that, but at the same time, he knew it had to weigh heavy on Baldur’s mind.
The aunt sobbed. Her nephew licked her hand and Accalia hugged her. “Come, I must get you to safety.”
Erik could smell Accalia’s concern and didn’t want to leave her alone.
“Aye. Are you sure you want to fight, Cameron?” Getting her emotions under control, Davina wiped away the tears on her cheeks. “You could protect Accalia and me.”
He shifted. “I’ll fight with the men.” Determined to battle with the brigands, he shifted back into his wolf.
The men led Accalia and her aunt to Accalia’s chamber and when they opened the door, the men there were ready to take them down, but smiled to see it was Erik and Accalia and the others in their party.
The three other men with Erik retrieved the bodies and pulled them toward the secret wall.
Erik explained the situation, telling them Dunbar was dead, and who the two wolves were. Then Accalia said, “We’ll no’ stay in the tunnels. If some of their men learn of it, they will hunt us down. My aunt and I will travel as wolves to the camp.”
Erik didn’t want them traveling alone but needed every man he could muster. Still, he said, “Logan?—”
“Nay,” Accalia said sharply, her brow furrowed. “You will need every man to help you fight. My aunt and I will be fine.”
“We will be,” her aunt said, then hugged her nephew and Baldur. She warmly embraced Erik, pleasing him to no end. “Take care.” Then she went behind the bed into the secret tunnel.
Accalia hugged and kissed Erik. “May the gods be with you.”
“And also with you.” He kissed her soundly back, not wanting to let her go. But he did, and she disappeared behind the wall with her aunt. His focus had to be on freeing her people, but he thought of Accalia, her aunt, and their safety.
Four men helped lug the dead guard and Dunbar’s body into the tunnel, then returned to help Erik and the others fight the battle they were faced with next.
Now Erik had to finish what he had begun and prayed that Accalia and her aunt would safely return to their camp.
“Do you think they’ll find us?” Davina asked as Accalia led her through the tunnels of her da’s castle. She sounded and smelled anxious.
Accalia hoped she would be all right. “Hopefully no’, but we will fight them if we must. Is Niamh all right?” Accalia had every intention of killing Freigard’s men who rode with her own to Whitehaven. She would make her men owe allegiance to her da again. Or she would kill them also. She wasn’t sure if her aunt would be resilient enough. To withstand the journey, aye. To fight the men? Maybe not. But she was also concerned about her friend.
“She’s with the others being held in the great hall. She’s fine.”
“Good.” Accalia couldn’t wait to hear that she was freed and be able to hug her for the ordeal she’d gone through. “Freigard is sending some of our men and a couple of his clansmen to Whitehaven to learn what we are up to.”
“I had overheard their plan. You dinna plan to return to camp, do you?” Davina always knew when Accalia was up to something.
“We must eliminate the threat.”
“I agree. Our people are being forced to do this. Five of Dunbar’s friends, some who hope for more power in the pack, are also involved in this mess.”
“As I suspected. But none of them are with the group Freigard is sending to Whitehaven, aye?”
“One. The one they call Horse because he was practically born on the saddle. He and two of Freigard’s men will be with four of ours. Our men are being forced to do it and are unarmed. Horse will keep them in line when Freigard’s men might no’ be able to.”
“No’ when we have anything to do about it.”
Her aunt smiled. “I’m ready to do whatever we must to take down the brigands.” She glanced at Accalia. “Are you happy with the white wolf?”
“Very. We are very much in love, and I adore his three sons.”
“Sons?” Davina sounded surprised.
“Aye. They are only five summers old. That is another reason I want to return to camp. We can help protect them should Freigard’s men come across the camp.”