Page 50 of Wolf Alliance

The boys smiled and Hendrie asked, “Can we go fishing now?”

The notion of her being their mother or anything about mating their da all but forgotten. Fishing in their wolf coats was all that occupied their thoughts now.

“Aye,” Erik said.

The boys stripped off their clothes and shifted, then leaped overboard.

Erik pulled Accalia into a hug and kissed her thoroughly. “You willna regret it.”

She smiled. “I dinna fight as well as Isobel.”

“I canna emphasize all your important qualities enough. I am the one who is sorely lacking in so many of your skills.”

She laughed and kissed him back, loving how he always made her feel cherished, a far cry from when they had first traveled together to his castle.

They stripped off their clothes, shifted, and she leaped overboard, while he followed her and they were soon fishing to their heart’s content, while Logan monitored the shore and them in case anyone had any trouble.

She was glad Erik had agreed to fishing as wolves, and that his sons could try again. It was important to show he trusted them as far as fishing from the boat. And in truth, all three boys caught a fish each this time, proving that practice did make a difference.

The whole idea was so novel for the other wolf pack too, that they were having a wonderful time. She was glad they were doing this. Maybe they could practice archery tomorrow. She was sure they could do a wolf run tonight, and that would be enough to do today.

She wasn’t sure about taking the boys. They would all run with a larger force to protect them. And she still wanted to run with the boys and their da like a family like she had planned for a later excursion.

She hoped they wouldn’t run into any trouble with Freigard and his men.


Once they’d caught enough fish for a grand feast for the nooning meal, everyone returned to the keep. Still, Erik was a little worried that Accalia was perturbed with him over talking to the boys about being with her when she wanted to do that herself withouthisinterference.

Erik was over the moon when Accalia had agreed to stay with him. He had to prove to her that she would remain with him not only this eve but from then on moving forward. He meant it when he said he loved her. He’d never felt that way about another she-wolf after his mate had died and he had every intention of not losing Accalia. And he still wanted to take her to see the sunset when he could.

At the meal, his sons were excitedly talking to each other, and he was curious how they felt about Accalia staying with him tonight. Accalia had enjoyed fishing with him and the boys, but she was quiet at the meal now.

He reached over, took hold of her hand, and squeezed it, showing how he felt about her. Was she upset with him for not giving her a chance to talk to the boys beforehand about staying with him? He hoped his impatience hadn’t ruined things between them.

“I’m sorry I spoke in front of the boys about you staying with me this eve before you had a chance to,” he said.

“Nay, you are no’,” she said matter-of-factly.

All right, she was correct. He hadn’t been.

“’Tis all right though. I worried they would believe it was a mating between us and would be disappointed if it wasna. I didna want them to get their hopes up if it didna work out between us.”

He was certain itwouldwork out between them, but he understood her concern. “Aye, lass. I’m sorry. I want it so much, I wasna thinking.”

She let out her breath then, and he was sure something else was on her mind. “Since my da seemed to have told you everything about me, did he tell you I was to be married, but the cad took off with one of my companions instead on our wedding day?”

Erik closed his gaping mouth and shook his head. “He didna mention it.”

“That’s why I didna have a maid with me when you came and stole me away.”

He hadn’t even considered that when he had seen her sitting upon her horse looking as regal as a queen.

“My da was afraid you would fall for the maid instead of me.”

Erik scoffed. “The man is daft to give up such a treasure as you. No other lass would have stolen my attention like you have done.”

She relaxed her shoulders a bit. “My da said it was my fault.”