Page 4 of Wolf Alliance

She couldn’t believe Erik would take her away like this. Or that her da would allow it.

Erik’s commanding voice was impressive, and powerful, brooking no argument with her da, which meant he had the skills of being a powerful pack leader. No she-wolf would want to mate with a weak leader. Still, she prayed to the gods that her da had not made a mistake in agreeing to unite with Erik’s forces by marrying her off to him, should he be as much of an ogre as Freigard.

“Bah, you have lost Accalia and with no alliance in the making,” Dunbar said, still within her excellent wolf hearing.

“In a week, we will have an alliance,” her da said to his brother, typical of what her da would say when he wanted to will something to happen.

She knew her da had prayed she would prove to Erik that he neededher.

Then she could no longer hear their words, though with their excellent wolf hearing she knew the white wolf chief had heard both her uncle and her da’s conversation.

They rode hard for a while, their horses snorting, their hooves pounding the green grassy meadows as they headed for a hilltop, her horse straining to keep up with Erik’s mount as if her mare was thrilled to run with him. Traitor. He soon released her reins so that she could ride beside him. The wolves ran on either side of the horses, keeping out of their path, panting, tongues lolling out of their mouths, chests heaving, appearing to enjoy the run.

Her heart was beating as hard as the horses’ and wolves’, her thoughts in turmoil. She always planned out her days, and now she was at the mercy of the white wolf chief?

Angry that she had no say in her life, she was still curious about the rumors she had heard about him. “You are as much a beast as they say,” Accalia said to Erik. Aye, he was a chief, and she was but the daughter of one, and that didn’t give her much choice. But hehadagreed to visit with her da and her for a week at her castle and not steal her away to his domain.

Erik was so intense, so focused on leaving the area, she didn’t think he heard her. After a couple of hours, he stopped and began giving orders in a strange tongue. It got worse and worse.

They stopped high on a hill covered in rocks and bracken, perfect for watching for anyone approaching from some distance

She glanced at a nearby loch, looking for any signs of danger, but only saw the green leafy trees bordering it, reflecting in it. Light wispy white clouds drifted across blue skies, ground fog rising off the loch to the south of them. Fog could hide trouble, she knew, and she stared at it for some time, trying to see any movement there.

A rainbow of light formed over the fog with the sunlight hitting it just right. The sight captured her, but then she peered around for trouble again. Her skin prickled with unease. She usually loved riding her horse, but she just felt…unsettled.

Erik rode up to her on his black stallion. His blond hair was tousled from the wind and his eyes were full of determination. “We take a short break now.” He slid off his horse and came around to her as if he would help her down, but she didn’t want his help.

“My da,” she said, dismounting on her own, “said you would visit us for a week. No’ abscond with me like this.” Though she had admired Erik’s taking charge as he did, which could prove he could make strategic plans in battle and succeed, she wanted him to know howshefelt about the whole matter.

She had envisioned riding with him in the glen and forests around her castle. She looked forward to taking walks and watching him spar with his men, trying to outdo each other as warriors. They would talk about their interests and dreams for the future.

But she knew her role would most likely be limited to being a mate and mother, though she also planned to take on the leadership of the wolf pack and manage his staff in his absence during battles. “I will have no interference from your family in this matter,” Erik said, his deep voice capturing her attention.

“My da planned a feast to treat you like an honored guest.”

“Some would not have it so. His brother, your uncle?” Erik arched a brow as he towered over her. She was tall, but he was much taller.

“I doubt he would have bothered you.” She didn’t believe Erik would bow to anyone, which, for a pack leader, was important to keep the pack together and for that, he impressed her.

His eyes captured hers, blue like the sea, mesmerizing. He looked at her like a wolf determining her strengths and weaknesses like she was his. “I will have no interference from anyone and that includes from you.”

She straightened, hoping to make herself appear more formidable. “If you think to win me over…”

“There’s no need.”

She arched a brow. Ohmigoddess, he was as arrogant as Freigard!

“This is a matter between your da and me. He needs my help to fight Freigard and any other clan who plans to battle with yours. I wish to know if you are worth the trouble.”

She was so angry, that she wanted to strike out at the beast, despite how tall and muscular he was. But she feared she would entertain his men—and him. And she had no intention of entertaining any of them.

“Your da said you have ridden for days without complaint. You will do so for me.” He motioned to a man who joined him and Erik spoke in his northern language.

She felt alienated from them at once, wondering what he said, and why he wouldn’t speak so she could understand him. “Doesna he speak Gaelic?”

“Aye.” But Erik didn’t say anything more about it, which concerned her. “He’s bringing us food.”

Would they keep secrets from her by speaking in their strange tongue while she was at their castle?