Page 30 of Wolf Alliance

“I…I believe I’m making progress with your sons.” She stole a piece of bread from his plate and began eating it. She swore all conversation stopped dead. She hadn’t been observing his people, but now she suspected they were watching the two of them and their interactions.

“And me?”

Her cheeks heated. She wasn’t used to a man showing her interest. Her da had never allowed it, though she’d flirted with young boys when she was younger, but a fully grown man? No.

For Erik to kiss her was such an incredible experience, and for her to kiss him back and feel her body reacting to his, she hadn’t expected it, but she wanted more of it.

“I believe we have made some progress,” she said, then changed the subject to one she was more comfortable discussing. “I think the boys are a little young for fishing in the loch as wolves. However, how will they ever learn if no’ given the opportunity? And Thorfinn did catch a fish. Do you know how proud he felt of his accomplishment? He was even prouder when he saw you observe him at it.”

“I witnessed that. I originally prohibited them from swimming in the loch as wolves while attempting to catch fish because I was concerned for their safety; I thought they might become exhausted and drown. However, after observing how much fun they were having and how determined they were to succeed, I realized my initial order had been incorrect. As you said, they need opportunities to grow and hone their abilities. I agree that practicing fishing as wolves in a creek would be more suitable for them at their age.”

She couldn’t believe he would agree with her but was glad. The ability to see someone else’s input and change his mind made for a better leader. “I must thank you for fighting the boys in practice swordsmanship.”

“I didna believe you would put me in that position.” He lifted a brow, a hint of a smile in his expression.

“Your lads loved you for it and so did your people. Did you see how many came out to watch you spar with them? You are good with the boys even if you shy away from showing them. Aye, you are the pack leader, but you are still their da and they need to learn from you what you expect from them.” She ate some of her soup. “The fish is delicious.”

He tapped his knife on his bowl. “You will sleep with me and no’ the lads. You are no’ their nanny.”

“I am bonding with them. Is that no’ what you wanted? Why should you care where I sleep anyway? We are no’ mated and until that happens, I willna share a bed with you.” Och, she didn’t mean to say until that happened as if it were a foregone conclusion.

She saw his eyes widen a bit. She could very well imagine where that would lead, and she would have to get to know him better before she made a drastic mistake that couldn’t be undone.

She tsked. “You shouldna have barged into my guest chamber.”


“No’ sincerely enough. Your smirk told quite a different story.”

“How could I no’ have been both surprised to see you standing there naked, and filled with admiration of your beauty at the same time?”

She scoffed.

“When you sleep with me, we willna need pretenses.”

She continued to eat her soup. “If I were to sleep with you, what would your people believe? That we are mated. When we are no’. And it would unnecessarily confuse the lads to think that I might become their mother? No’ to replace theirs of course. Never to do that.”

Erik waved at Cook who hurried over to see to his needs. “I seemed to have lost my bread.”

Cook smiled at Accalia, and Accalia knew the woman had seen her steal it from Erik’s plate. If she hadn’t, the rumor had already circulated throughout the pack. It was amazing how interesting news could be shared so fast.

“Aye, my lord. Do you want some more?” Cook asked Accalia.

“Nay, but thanks. I’ve had two pieces already. My compliments to the baker, and you for preparing the fish soup.”

Cook glowed and hurried off to get Erik some more bread.

“Thank you for allowing the boys to fish as wolves for as long as they did,” Accalia said.

Cook brought Erik several more slices of bread, and then she hurried off.

“Do you want another piece of bread?” he asked Accalia.

She figured he wouldn’t be able to eat all of them and snatched another from his plate. He chuckled.

He drank some of his mead. “Why are you being so stubborn about staying with me?”

“I have told you why.”