Page 19 of Wolf Alliance

When they headed into Erik’s chamber, the servants began to prepare a bath.

“On second thought, hold him outside of the chamber. I want to bathe before he muddies the water as filthy as he is,” she told the guards.

“Aye, my lady,” one of the guards said.

Then once one of the women brought Accalia a clean nightshift, she took a bath, luxuriating in the feel of the silky warm water on her skin, and washed her hair. She didn’t take too long because she wanted to ensure Thorfinn was bathed and put to bed as soon as possible.Especiallybefore Erik returned to his chamber and learned what she was up to.

Once she dressed, she had the guard bring Thorfinn into the chamber to bathe. He was looking mutinous, his arms folded across his chest.

“Are you afraid of the water?” she asked, knowing he couldn’t be because he swam in the loch. And to her that could be way scarier as dark as a loch could be.

“Of course no’.”

“Then get in so we can finish this. Och, Thorfinn, ‘tis either the dungeon or a bath. Which will it be? Your brothers are happily sleeping in their beds, so if you go to the dungeon, you’ll be alone.”

Thorfinn glanced at the guard, who only smiled at him.

“Fine. But I’ll tell my da about this.” Then Thorfinn tore off his clothes, climbed into the bath, and washed himself. Not his hair though.

One of the maids did that for him.

Accalia was glad she had finally gotten his compliance. They helped dry him off and dressed him in a nightshirt. Accalia didn’t believe she could comb his hair like she had the other boys who were so much more cooperative. She didn’t ask, sure he would say no. She slipped her hand around his hand, sat on the bed, and pulled him onto her lap.

He looked surprised and started to move off her lap, but she forced him to stay. “I’ll comb your hair.” She carefully combed out his hair, not wanting to hurt him. His blond hair was silky and fine, curling into coils like his brothers’.

He even relaxed, but once done, he climbed off her lap and headed to the chamber door.

“You will stay here,” Accalia announced. “One of the guards will remain here to ensure you comply with my wishes. You can sleep on the trundle bed.” Since she was staying with his brothers, she considered that she could make them behave. But after the long journey, she was tired and knew the other boys would sleep if Thorfinn didn’t join them.

“My da wouldna approve,” Thorfinn said, sounding panicked.

“I willna have you disturbing your brothers who are happily asleep.” Accalia began to leave the chamber with the maids and Thorfinn tried to escape.

“You stay. I’m retiring to bed now myself,” Accalia said.

The guard, Philbin, looked a little concerned.

Accalia smiled. “Per Erik’s orders.”

Then the maids and Accalia left the chamber while the one guard stayed behind with Thorfinn. She wondered how that would all turn out. At least she was glad all three boys were clean. And that the two brothers were happily asleep.

When she returned to the boys’ chamber, she dismissed the nanny and climbed under the covers of the nanny’s bed.

Johnne lifted his head. “You said you would return.”

“Aye, and I did.” She was surprised he had been awake.

“Where is Thorfinn?”

“He had his bath and is sleeping elsewhere.” She didn’t want to tell Johnne that Thorfinn was sleeping with their da or he might want to. She suspected Erik would lecture her, but she would do this her way.


By the time Erik was ready to retire to bed that eve, he was surprised to see a guard posted outside his door. “What is this, Philbin?”

“The lady said I would stay here, though others will relieve me during the night.”

“Why…” Erik waved his hand in dismissal. “Go where you’re needed. I dinna need you here.”