“Really?” She was surprised he would agree so readily to leave.
“Aye. I’ve already made the preparations. I knew you wanted to go soon. You’ve told everyone, including me, enough times already.”
He’d paid attention! She smiled. “I love you.”
“I know.”
The boys ran to join them, and Thorfinn said, “We saw men getting ready for a journey on the morrow. Where are we going?”
“I guess we have our answer.” Accalia hugged the boys. They were excited about her having babies that would be their brothers or sisters. The midwife wasn’t sure how many she would have, but at least two.
The lads knew they would be boys, but no one knew.
Two days later,they arrived at Isobel and Alasdair’s castle where she was in labor. Erik couldn’t believe that she would be. It was as if Accalia had known that Isobel would be.
Accalia joined her in her bedchamber where Bessetta, the midwife, and several other women were helping with the delivery. Erik and his boys kept Alasdair occupied, though he continued to return to Isobel’s and his bedchamber to check on her. Erik would do the same thing when Accalia was having their babies.
One of the maids ran into the great hall where Alasdair was waiting with an ale in hand with Erik, his lads, and their brothers.
“The first bairn is here—a male,” the woman said.
Alasdair handed his tankard to Erik, but Erik handed their drinks off to one of the men celebrating with them and hurried after him.
Once they arrived at the chamber, Erik could hear a wolf woof. Isobel was having her babies as a wolf. He peeked in and saw that they had a second pup.
“Another male,” the midwife said.
“Two sons,” Alasdair said, looking a little faint.
Erik patted his back. Bessetta and Accalia were smiling at them. The pups were nursing.
The midwife said, “She’s having triplets.” And then the final pup was born. A little girl.
Alasdair held the female pup, smiling down at her, then placed her on her momma so she could nurse too. He leaned down and hugged and kissed Isobel. “I love you.”
She woofed at him.
Erik hoped things worked out as well for him and Accalia when their babies came.
For a week, they stayed at the castle, Accalia helping out. Isobel was so glad that Accalia was having bairns too and promised to join her when the time came. Though her babies would be so young, Accalia said she didn’t expect her to.
But when that day came,Bessetta and Isobel were there for her, Alasdair making sure he could support Erik as he was anxious while Accalia was having their babies. Etta and Niamh were on hand as well.
Isobel had a nursemaid with her to help with her triplets. Even Accalia’s da and aunt were there. Everyone was waiting to learn what happened, including Erik’s sons, now six summers, and Erik’s and Alasdair’s brothers.
Then the news came, though Erik was outside their bedchamber the whole time. The boys were right there with him. So were Erik’s brothers and Accalia’s da. The wolfhounds were also, eager to go to Accalia and check on her.
The midwife came out and smiled at Erik, handing him a male wolf pup. He showed the pup to the boys who smiled at him, carried him to Accalia, and let him nurse. Then he kissed her, but she was panting heavily, and he figured the next baby was coming. The baby was a little female. Just like he was with his new baby son, Erik was thrilled.
Thorfinn, Johnne, and Hendrie looked at the wolf pups nursing and Thorfinn said, “But it’s going to be forever before they can play with us.”
Erik laughed and Accalia smiled at them and gave a little woof. The boys hugged her around her neck. Baldur and Davina did as well.
Finlay said, “Do you want me to announce the arrival of your son and daughter?”
“And another son,” the midwife said, as she delivered the last pup.
“I knew you could do it,” Baldur said, sounding like a proud grandpa.