Page 70 of Wolf Alliance

“Aye,” Thorfinn said.

The other boys nodded. They took breaks to water the horses and let them rest, but when they were a couple of hours from the castle, a redheaded, bearded man rode toward them. Accalia recognized him as one of the men with Erik’s wolf pack. Hers now, she had to remind herself.

He must have been the messenger Erik had sent to tell her da they were coming. The man looked anxious; his brow furrowed. She didn’t think he would return to speak with Erik, but he would have remained at Hillshire Castle until they arrived.

“What news have you, Colin?” Erik asked, sounding concerned as everyone waited to learn what he had to say.

“I didna reach the castle to give the message to Accalia’s da’s that you were coming with his daughter to make the alliance and to tell him you were wed. As soon as one of the farmers saw me riding toward his croft on my way to the castle, he learned who I was and my reason for being there. He warned me that Freigard and his men are at the castle.”

“Nay,” Accalia said. This was so not good. Were they holding her people hostage? Her da wouldn’t be entertaining the man, she didn’t believe. “Does he know we’re coming to see my da?”

“No’ from me. Mayhap Freigard believed you would mate and marry since he’d failed at carrying you off before, and this is the only way to change the way of things,” Colin said.

“By killing Erik and his men when we arrived,” Accalia said, horrified. Not only because of Freigard’s deviousness but because they had the boys with them and Freigard would not hesitate to kill them, she was certain.

“We are still a couple of hours from your da’s castle. You stay here with the ladies and our lads with a small force to protect you,” Erik said.

“I’ll go with you. You canna lay siege to the castle. What if Freigard starts throwing my people off the parapet? I wouldna put it past him to command it and then I would have to stop it.”

“We have to free your wolf pack,” Erik said.

“Through a secret passage. Only my da, uncle, aunt, cousin, and I know the way in and out of there. Once we’re inside, I’ll know those who are members of my pack and those who are no’. If Freigard doesna know we’re coming yet, he wouldna believe we would be sneaking into the castle.”

Alasdair said, “I believe Accalia has a good plan. My mate and sister will stay with your lads and a guard force.”

“We canna take horses. They could hear them and see them. We need to keep out of their sight, in the event they’re watching. We’ll find the passageway at a croft nearer the castle,” Accalia said.

“We’ll ride for an hour and then a couple of riders will return our horses to the camp,” Erik said. “It would take us too long to reach the castle otherwise.”

“Let’s go then,” Accalia said.

Erik didn’t wantAccalia in harm’s way, but he knew she was right about knowing her people and how to secretly gain entrance into the castle, hopefully giving them the advantage. Though he didn’t want her with them in harm’s way.

He spoke to Alasdair about who they would leave behind and who they would take with them.

Isobel said, “If I wasna carrying our bairns, I would go too.”

Erik knew she would. If Alasdair hadn’t been with them, she probably would have joined them. With her sword-fighting skill, she would have been welcome. But she could protect the boys and Bessetta by remaining at the camp.

Once Erik’s brother Finlay agreed to stay and help protect the lasses and his lads, Logan gathered the rest of the men who would go with them. Alasdair was taking his brother Rory with them and Hans would stay behind to help organize Alasdair’s men, though Isobel was right there giving her advice on what they needed for protection.

Accalia gave the boys hugs. “Turn into your wolves if anyone enters the camp and make yourselves scarce.”

“All right,” Thorfinn said. “And we’ll bite the brigands.”

“You hide,” Accalia said. Then she hugged Bessetta. “Keep yourself safe.”

“Aye, you as well.”

Last, Accalia hugged Isobel, who took a moment to wish her well. Then Erik helped Accalia onto her saddle, and they headed out.

“When we get within an hour of the castle, it will take us a while to walk the last hour,” Erik warned Accalia.

“Aye, that’s why I’ll run as a wolf. Someone can carry my clothes. I willna slow you down that way.”

No, she would be well ahead of them if she ran as a wolf. “I will also,” Erik said.

She inclined her head.