Bessetta shook her head. “I wouldna have missed out on either of Accalia’s marriage celebrations for the world.”
“Will we get in early tomorrow?” Thorfinn asked as the boys and lasses and some of the men helped them erect tents. Or at least Bessetta and Accalia did. Alasdair made Isobel sit down and watch all the activities as others made campfires or set up a perimeter watch.
“Only if we can leave early in the morn,” Accalia told him.
Hendrie groaned. “We willna see you married again and then travel home, will we?”
“Nay,” Erik said, joining them. “We will stay a while and visit with Accalia’s pack.”
Accalia was glad to hear it. She feared he would want to return home as soon as possible to rejoin his people. “When you sent word that we were mated and married and visiting with Da and my people, did you mention we were bringing Alasdair, Isobel, and some of their pack members?”
“Nay,” Erik said, “but we will all fish and hunt to help bring enough food to feed all of us.”
“Oh, good. I imagine my uncle having fits over all the extra mouths to feed.” Accalia’s da would be fine with it, particularly since he was allied with Alasdair’s pack. If her da were to take some of his pack members and drop in on Alasdair’s territory, Alasdair and Isobel would be as gracious about it.
They ate their meals and rushed the lads off to bed, Bessetta going with them, while Isobel had a moment with her mate, and Accalia had the same with hers. She heard Isobel say, “Aye, aye, I’m fine. And I could have helped Accalia and Bessetta set up the tents.”
Erik smiled at Accalia and led her to her tent. “I wish I could sleep with you this eve.”
“I wish the same.” And she knew Isobel and Alasdair wanted the same with each other. But Accalia knew Erik and Alasdair had their safety in mind. “The scouts didna find anything amiss?”
“They didna or I would have told you.”
“Aye.” But Accalia worried the same.
“Get your sleep, lass. I love you and I’ll see you in the morn.”
Too early, she was thinking. “I love you too, Erik. On the morrow, we’ll be able to stay in my bedchamber for the night.” She so looked forward to it.
“Aye, I canna wait.” Then he hugged her and kissed her cheeks, forehead, nose, and then her mouth.
She kissed him deeply, then gave him a parting kiss. “Night, my love.”
“Night, sweeting.”
Then she ducked into the tent and saw the boys’ eyes open as they watched for her to enter the tent. She had thought they would be asleep by now.
“Do you think someone is out to harm us?” Thorfinn asked.
“No one smelled anyone—wolves or humans—in the area. Remember to use your nose to identify trouble. Now go to sleep before it’s time to wake and you’re all grouchy because you didna get enough sleep.”
“We willna need help staying awake tomorrow on the ride,” Hendrie said.
“Aye, we’ll be wide awake, watching to see your castle,” Johnne said.
“Sleep, boys. The morn will be here before you’re ready.” Accalia pulled her furs over her shoulder. “Pleasant dreams.”
“Is your castle as big as ours?” Thorfinn asked.
But Accalia didn’t answer him as she thought of being with her wolf mate—playing with him as wolves in the woods and then making love to him in his bed, knowing if she continued to speak with the boys, none of them would sleep.
A sense of dread filled her though. They’d been lucky so far, but what if Freigard tried to intercept them on the last day of their journey before they reached the safety of her da’s castle?
Erik sat by one of the campfires near the women’s and boys’ tent, listening to the crackle of the logs burning, everyone silent, watching for any signs of trouble. He was in his human form, sword and bow ready for action.
When he wasn’t on guard duty in a couple of hours, he would sleep in his wolf coat outside their tent. That way he could howl a warning and tear into anyone who might be a threat to any of them without a moment’s hesitation.