Early the next morn, Accalia was eager to see her da and the rest of her pack members, but she was so tired. She worried about everything—how the boys would manage on the long journey, how Isobel would do. And ultimately, the reception that her uncle would give her mate.
They needed to get on their way that morning, and after Erik and she dressed, kissed, and hugged, Erik said, “I’m going to give some more orders to those who will be going with us.”
“I’ll get the boys ready.”
“You will have the tougher time of it.”
Accalia chuckled. “Aye, I know I will. After our wild night last night, the lads will be tired. Do you want to switch tasks?”
“I would never manage it.”
She loved him. No alpha male would ever admit she had the harder job, and he couldn’t handle it. He followed her out of the bedchamber, and she turned down the hall to wake the boys.
Bessetta hurried to join her. “I should have gone to bed earlier. I probably fell asleep before you and Erik did though.”
Accalia laughed. She knew Bessetta wanted details, but she wasn’t giving her any. Then they reached the boys’ chamber and peered inside. The boys were sprawled out on their beds, sound asleep.
“Who’s ready to take a trip and have more fun?” Accalia asked.
The boys opened their eyes slowly and groaned, stretched, rubbed their eyes, and yawned.
“Come, come, ‘tis time to break our fast and get on our way. You dinna want to be left behind, do you?” Accalia asked.
The boys started getting out of bed and dressing in a hurry.
Accalia and Bessetta began helping the boys to dress. Once they were done, the boys tore out of the bedchamber, raced down the hall, and hit the stairs running.
Accalia and Bessetta hurried off after them. “I hope they dinna waste all that energy before we get to where we’re going for the night.” Accalia was sure their burst of liveliness would wane on the long ride.
Bessetta smiled. “I wish I had all their vigor.”
“’Tis wasted on youth.”
“I agree.”
As soon as they reached the great hall, the boys were already at their table, ready to eat. She hoped they wouldn’t get too tired on the long journey ahead.
“We’ll take turns carrying the boys once they are too tired to ride on their own.” Erik ate some of his capons. “I was surprised to see the boys down here ahead of you.”
“All I had to say was that we would leave them behind if they didna hurry and dress.”
Erik laughed. “You have such a wonderful way of persuasion.”
She smiled. “You have to know the right words to say.”
Cook came up to the table and said, “The food is packed for your journey.”
“Thanks be to thee,” Erik said.
“I did it for the lasses…and your lads.” Cook winked at Accalia, then hurried off.
“I’m glad she at least likes you,” Erik said.
“You know she likes you, but she doesna see how to show it.”
“Aye. On the journey, the boys and you will sleep together in a tent. Isobel and Bessetta, if they would like.”
“What about you?”