Accalia chuckled and shook her head. Not to say no, but because she was so amused with her friend for being so curious. Though she probably would be the same way with Bessetta if the roles were reversed.
“This eve, then,” Bessetta said, sure of it.
“We are practicing archery. Will you do it?” Accalia asked, changing the subject.
“Aye, of course. You know me. I will participate in anything. And I have been practicing back home. Isobel is as good at archery as she is at swordsmanship. Though I wouldna have wanted her hard life, I wish I had trained more since I was little like she had to prepare myself in case of a fight. But now with her carrying the bairns, I doubt she will be sharing much more of her skills with us,” Bessetta said.
“Aye. Her time will be spent preparing for the baby…well, babies. I’m so happy for her and for Alasdair. I know they are overjoyed. And I know you are too.”
“Oh, aye. I canna wait to hold the wee ones in my arms and play with them when they are pups.”
“I will come and visit when the time comes.” Accalia couldn’t wait.
“You and I can share a room like old—uhm, oh, by then, things will be perfectly different.”
Accalia smiled. For certain, she thought, if Erik didn’t changehismind.
After Accalia had finished talking to Bessetta, she began eating more fish stew and Erik turned to speak with her. “Archery competition between the packs is next on the agenda. Are you game?”
“Aye. And the lads?” Accalia asked.
“Certes. And tonight?”
She smiled. “I’ll stay with you. ‘Twas a pleasant eve we had.”
He smiled. “Aye, I will do everything to ensure it is as enjoyable as last eve.”
“Oh, aye, you had better, and I will do the same for you.”
If he could make her happy, he would be pleased.
They finished breaking their fast and then Erik’s people went off to do their work while Erik, Accalia, and the boys went out to practice archery with the others.
Isobel showed the ladies and the boys how to use the bow this time while the men were shooting at other targets, trying to beat each other. Erik loved the competition but enjoyed seeing Accalia and his boys working hard to improve their archery skills.
Isobel loved teaching them and she was helping them to do better. He was glad she wasn’t so far along in her pregnancy, that she could still show off her skills. He knew Isobel loved that she could. The boys were enjoying learning more too.
After that, they all ate the nooning meal. Then they planned to take the boys as wolves to a creek to fish and everyone had fun doing that. While Erik was ensuring they had a proper guard escort, with some men from Alasdair’s pack offering to guard the families, Accalia had slipped away to strip off her clothes, shift, and ensure the boys were ready to go. Even the wolfhounds were joining them this time.
Erik had missed the opportunity to be alone with her in his chamber until after the evening meal.
When they reached the stream, the boys pounced on several fish but often lost them. Even so, they caught more than they did while fishing in the loch. Swimming, diving, and trying to catch fish in the loch had been a lot more strenuous.
But now they were struggling to keep hold of the fish they had pounced on, the slippery-scaled trout getting away. Accalia, Bessetta, and Isobel watched the boys in their wolf coats, appearing amused.
The dogs were splashing in the stream, playing with each other, scaring some fish a little way off.
Erik continued to help the boys catch the fish, enjoying showing them how to do it. Everyone participating caught enough for their pack and the visiting one for the evening meal. He was glad he had taken the time to work with his sons. They were so determined to catch the most fish.
He glanced at Accalia and saw her standing with Bessetta and Isobel on the rocky shore, smiling at him and the boys as wolves would. He smiled back at Accalia, figuring he had impressed her while working with his sons on this fishing excursion, and showing he could be patient with them for once. For the first time, he realized he had never worked so hard to impress a she-wolf as he wanted to with Accalia.
Once they had enough fish in the baskets carried on the horses’ saddles, they all gathered to return to the castle.
Erik ran with Accalia and his sons with the others, while she nipped at his neck and then tackled the boys each in turn. Which made the trip back take quite a bit longer, but everyone seemed to enjoy watching the five of them in wolf play. Even Erik had played with Accalia and the boys, careful not to be too rough.
They reached the outer bailey, and the portcullis and double gates were shut for the night. Inside the keep, Cook hurried to prepare the fish for the evening meal while everyone who had gone fishing as wolves retired to shift and dress, then join each other downstairs. Again, Erik missed being alone with Accalia when Logan took him aside to discuss work on some of the fortifications that needed to be done.