“If you are sure…”
“Aye.” She sounded so sincere.
He hoped she wouldn’t regret offering and kissed her then and moved her hand down to his staff, his hand over hers, making a fist around his erection. Then he slid her hand up and down until she felt comfortable doing it herself. While she was, he was running his hand through her silky hair, kissing her delicious mouth, and mesmerized by her skillful strokes as if she had been doing this all her life. She was a quick learner.
He stopped kissing her when he was about to come and she took over then, tonguing him, her eyes filled with lust just as much as his probably were. She was taking him to the top, still kissing his mouth with tenderness and passion combined, and then he came, and she watched, smiling, looking a little incredulous. He was glad now that she had seen him come, that she hadn’t been embarrassed, but fascinated.
“I’ll be right back.” He left the bed to clean up, then returned to her and pulled her into his arms, her léine still hiked up above her hips, their naked legs intertwined, and she seemed content to sleep with him in that way. Though he was glad they had pleasured each other, and she had become more comfortable with being intimate with him, he hoped it wouldn’t be too long before she wanted to mate him and make their relationship permanent for all time.
Then, though he didn’t want to sleep, but to breathe her in and listen to her heart beating and her soft exhales of breath, he fell asleep with the she-wolf of his dreams cradled in his arms for the rest of the night, until the morning came, and he had the greatest fear of losing her.
Accalia lovedeverything about last night and if Erik hadn’t given her another way to bring him pleasure, she would have gone ahead and mated him, knowing he would suffer overly much otherwise. But she was glad he had been willing to show her another way and she believed he was the only one for her.
She hadn’t expected to feel embarrassed about seeing his people this morn when they broke their fast, but now she was anxious. She thought she would feel like she did any other day, but she knew everyone would be looking at them in a way that said they wondered if they had gone ahead and mated, maybe even hoped that would be the case.
Except for Beathag. She was casting her a chilling glower.
Accalia felt bad that she hadn’t agreed when Erik wanted it. And she realized she was making it hard on the boys when that wasn’t her intention. Besides, after the way Erik had pleasured her, she didn’t want to give him up for anything.
She would tell him they might mate tonight, but then there was a tentative knock on the door, and she hurried out of bed to dress. Erik was out of bed, threw on his long shirt, and answered the door. Thorfinn was at the door, his brothers standing a way off as if they were afraid their da would be mad at them if they intruded on their da and Accalia’s privacy.
“Cook said the meal is ready and everyone’s waiting on you. Uncle Logan sent us to tell you.”
“We are headed down.”
“Can we wait for you?” Thorfinn asked.
Erik let his breath out. “Aye.” Then he closed the door and finished dressing.
Accalia smiled. “Was your brother afraid to wake you because I was with you?”
“Aye.” Erik smiled. “That is a first though.” He fastened her belt, and she sheathed her sword and slipped hersgian dubhinto her boot.
Once they were dressed, they walked out of the chamber and found the boys waiting for them in the hallway. Thorfinn looked hopefully at Accalia, and she rubbed his head, smiled at him, and hugged the boys. She wasn’t going to tell them she was staying again with their da tonight at this point. She planned to but she couldn’t until she spoke to Erik first. Tonight, she was certain.
But she did take Erik’s hand. The boys smiled to see it. They all headed to the stairs and arrived at the great hall where everyone waited for them. Och, Accalia was more than a little uncomfortable. Then she hugged the boys at their seats and she and Erik sat at the head table.
The meal was being served—eggs, bread, fish, and ale—and Bessetta leaned over and smiled at Accalia. “I spoke with the lads until they fell asleep, which wasn’t long considering all the activities they’d taken part in. They were so hopeful you would mate their da.”
“Oh, I agree. I’m glad you dinna have any trouble with them,” Accalia said, though she figured it wouldn’t be long and Bessetta would ask how the night had gone with Erik.
Bessetta cleared her throat and raised her brow, waiting to hear what had happened.
Accalia laughed. “’Twas exceptionally nice.”
“Do tell.”
Accalia hugged her friend. Some things were not meant to be talked about. Not even though they were best of friends and were in a private chamber. When Bessetta found the wolf for her, she would learn what it was all about—if the wolf was as braw and caring as Erik was.
“No mating?” Bessetta whispered.
Accalia smiled. “No’ because of Erik, mind you.”
“How long are you going to hold off?”
Accalia glanced at Erik. He was speaking with Alasdair about having archery practice after they ate. Then she turned back to Bessetta. “No’ long.”
“This eve?” Bessetta asked, her brows raised, smiling impishly.