Page 55 of Wolf Alliance

“I will. It was fun running with the boys and Alasdair and Isobel’s pack.”

“Aye.” He carried Accalia into his chamber and set her on her feet, though he wanted to dump her on his bed and ravage her. He shut the door after them.

“I believe Isobel was getting a little tired.” She unbuckled his belt and pulled away his great kilt.

“Aye. I think she was glad that the boys were wearing out.” He removed her belt and shawl.

Then they were wearing only their long shirt-like léines, and he could see her breasts through the thin material. He cupped her breasts with his hands and breathed in her heavenly scent of the pines and meadow flowers. “You are beautiful.”

“As are you, Erik.”

“In your wolf coat or without.” He was still worried his paler wolf coat might not appeal to her.

“Bessetta’s coat is light, but I had never seen so many white wolves. Yours is very distinguished with your gray highlights. Your sons have the same beautiful markings.”

“So that means you are ready to mate me, aye?” He smiled his most winning smile, he thought, though he suspected it might look a little wolfish.

She smiled back. “Only time will tell.”

Not the words he wanted to hear but he believed she was still considering a mating and maybe wouldn’t take too long to decide. Though he hoped she would decide to do so before his friends left.

She climbed onto his bed wearing her léine when he had hoped she would strip naked, but if she wasn’t ready to be with him in that way, he would accommodate her. To an extent. Except when the boys slept with them, he wore his long shirt, but never did otherwise. He pulled off his shirt and she smiled at him. So far so good. She didn’t seem upset with him for getting naked.

He climbed on the other side of the bed and moved in her direction. He had no plans to sleep with her.

She moved toward him—aye!—indicating she was of like mind.

Then they were close, him kissing her mouth, her kissing him back, closed mouth at first, then open-mouthed, tongues teasing and caressing each other’s, just what he had in mind. His hand roamed over her hip, her léine sliding with his touch. She cupped his face and looked into his eyes.

“You have the most beautiful sea-blue eyes. They are entrancing,” she said, her voice seductive.

“Your forest-green eyes are just as beautiful.” He kissed her again, but this time, he moved his hand to her breast and squeezed the soft mound gently with his hand. Then he moved his head down to lick her nipple through her léine, feeling the nipple protrude against the light fabric. She shivered and he smelled her pheromones kick up a notch, which only enticed him all the more.

“Your sons realize this isna a mating,” she whispered against his head.

“They would be happiest if they learned it was.” He returned his lips to hers and reached down to hike up her léine around her hips. He wouldn’t remove it if she felt uneasy about it, but he wanted to pleasure her if she was willing.

She stilled, but then began kissing his mouth as if his pulling up her gown was all right with her.

He slipped his hand between her legs and at first, she wouldn’t give him access, as if she concerned that he did intend to mate her, but she wasn’t ready for it.

“Can you part your legs for me? I only intend to pleasure you with my fingers.”

Then she tentatively moved onto her back and spread her legs, just a wee bit. He smiled down at her, hoping she would love this between them and not be timid always. Then he plied his skill with his fingers, finding the bud among her dewy curls, smelling her scent that told him she was so wet and ready for him if she had wanted a mating.

He stroked her, listening to their heartbeats thundering, their pheromones racing in circles, and she was barely breathing. “Breathe,” he said, and kissed her mouth, continuing to stroke her, inserting a finger into her wetness and she cried out with surprise and glee—he thought.

Once she had come, he rubbed his full erection against her thigh, cupping a breast, molding his hand to it, and continued to kiss her for all it was worth.

“That…that was amazing. What…what about you?” she asked.

He wanted to suggest a mating, but he suspected she would have said so if that was the case. “I will be fine”—suffer gravely, he wanted to say but it didn’t sound heroic—“until you decide if you want a mating.”

“Is there…some other way I can help you out…to…relieve the pressure?”

“I wouldna presume to ask a lady to…” He couldn’t even think of a way to say it without sounding crude.

“If you could show me what to do, mayhap I could help?”