She jumped into the boat the boys were going in and Logan joined them. Then he began to paddle out. She almost felt guilty that she wasn’t helping to paddle, but the boys should have helped to row. She barked at them.
Logan smiled at her. “Help row, lads.”
They groaned, their blond hair caught up in the cool breeze.
She breathed in the scent of fresh water and fish, the sparkling blue waters of the loch stretching for a mile, surrounded by rolling green hills and looming mountains. The sun danced off the surface, creating dazzling patterns and reflections. A river trout broke the surface, and she nearly leaped in after it.
“Woah!” Johnne said. “Someone catch it.”
But they hadn’t reached the spot where Logan would anchor the boat. The water gently lapped against the sides, the boys peering over the port and starboard, looking for fish. In the distance, birds twitted from the woods near the north shore, and she felt relaxed and happy to be here with the boys.
She was enjoying her time with them when she thought it would always be a fight.
Once they were in the deepest part of the loch, she leaped overboard. With a splash, she dove for fish and soon caught a brown trout. She rose to the surface and Logan took it from her and put it in the bucket.
The boys had been watching for her, and then they began to bait hooks to fish on the other side of the boat so they wouldn’t snag their hooks on her.
“The lady caught a fish already. Now it’s your turn,” Logan said as she dove back under to fish further.
She caught a sea trout, but when she rose to the surface with the fish in her jaws, the boys hadn’t caught anything. They eyed her, wearing frowns, looking a little grumbly. Especially Thorfinn.
Before she dove to fish again, she shifted, kicked her feet, and moved her arms to keep herself afloat. The water was much colder when in her human form than when she was wearing her wolf coat. “Let the boys shift and they can try to catch fish as wolves.”
“Aye!” the boys cheered and began to strip off their clothes before Logan had a say in whether they shifted. They shifted and jumped into the water.
Smiling, Logan shook his head. “Aye, you can shift.”
Accalia hoped it was a good learning experience for the boys. Though she belatedly recalled their da had said they could not shift and fish with her. But earning their trust meant everything to her.
Now she hoped Erik wouldn’t be angry with the boys for going against his ruling when she had told them it was all right.
Or cross with her for suggesting it.
Erik had not intended to watch Accalia fish with his sons. He had too much work to do, but when she had shifted, he had to see her. She was a beautiful gray wolf with black markings on her face and blond cheeks, throat, and belly that made her stand out. Any wolf would be proud to call her his own.
He certainly hadn’t expected her to fish as a wolf, and he was curious how well she could do. To his surprise, she shifted and talked to his boys. The next thing he knew, his boys stripped off their clothes and shifted. Hadn’t he told his sons they couldn’t?
He realized the lass was usurping his power over the boys with a skill no one else had. She very much had a will and mind of her own. He figured they were bound to clash over it. He hoped the boys would be okay while they swam in the loch and fished. That was his main concern.
None of the boys were catching anything though as she continued to catch fish but stopped periodically to watch them. He was glad Logan had taken the boys out and other boats were on the water in case the lass or his lads got into trouble.
Och, he couldn’t stand remaining on shore with the other men. His brother Finlay joined him. “What are they doing? Fishing as wolves? That’s a new idea.”
Erik motioned to another man and said to Finlay, “Come on. We’re taking another boat out.”
Finlay smiled. “Aye.”
They soon reached Accalia’s boat and Logan smiled at Erik. The boys and Accalia were under the water still and didn’t know he had arrived.
Erik said to Logan, “I told the lads they were no’ allowed to shift.”
“Aye, but the lass overrode your ruling. The boys are having fun and she’s bonding with them. Is that no’ what you wanted?” Logan asked.
“Aye.” He hated to admit it. “Have the lads caught anything?”
“Nay. They dive, come up for air, catch their breaths, and dive again.”