Page 27 of Spicy Nick

“Okay,” I repeat, scowling despite my best intentions. “What happened? What did he do?”

“Larry? No, nothing! That’s not what I meant. It’s all those movies he always makes us watch!” She throws her hands in the air. “Christmas Carol,Wonderful Life, all the rest—I can’t even remember the names of most of the others. But they’re dangerous.”

“Dangerous,” I repeat carefully. “How so?”

Scout pauses then, clearly registering my growing confusion. She breathes out a sigh and continues, “Maybe not dangerous, per se. Not dangerous in an obvious way. Is that better?”

“I’m not sure yet,” I hedge.

“Well, I can’t help that. See, the thing is…I think that, somehow, they must have gotten twisted up and mashed together inside my head and…shit. This still isn’t making any sense to you, is it”

A smile teases my lips as I answer, “Well…not very much sense, no. Why don’t you try again?”

Scout falls back onto the bed and stares at the ceiling. “Okay, so, what happened was this: I was flying home from LA….”

“You’re talking about yesterday?”

“I guess? From your perspective. But, really, it’s not as straightforward as it seems.”

“I’m starting to get that.”

“I mean, it started out like a perfectly ordinary sort of trip. Everything seemed fine while we were in the air. Other than the fact that I fell asleep—which we’ve already discussed. But then, when I landed in Oberon that first time, you weren’t there…or here…or anywhere, really.”

“Okay, stop. What do you mean ‘the first time’?”

Scout nods. “Okay. Okay, you’re right. That was still the wrong place to begin. She breathes out a deep breath and tries again. “So I was on the plane, right?”

“And this is still yesterday?”

“Theoretically. So then this guy came and sat next to me.”

“As you do.”

“Mm-hm. And he tells me he’s an angel, and he’s talking kind of crazy, and of course, I don’t believe a word he’s saying. But then…well, as it turns out, now I do.”

“Now you…?”

“I believe him.”

I snort in disbelief—because really? “You believe you met an angel? Taking a plane? What, he didn’t have wings?”

“No wings.”

“So then, why?—”

“Look, Nick.” My wife levels a finger in my direction. “Don’t go all suspicious cop on me, all right? I told you; I didn’t believe him either at first.”

“But now you do?”

“Yes,” she answers, in a voice that brooks no argument. “Absolutely. One hundred percent. After everything that happened, I kinda have to. And you probably should, too, because I’m pretty sure you’ve seen him, as well.”

“What?” I stare at her in surprise. “An angel? Who are we talking about?”

“That Santa Claus you took Cole to see? I watched the video, I saw the pictures. I wouldn’t swear to it, what with the beard and all, but I’m pretty sure that was him. I also think he was the guy you bought the roses from. That’s just his style. I mean, the whole time I was here—the other here, I mean—he kept throwing roses in my face.”

“Someone threw flowers at you?” I demand. “Repeatedly? That’s assault. You shoulda pressed charges.”

“It’s a figure of speech, Nick.”