I look at her. “Really?” I say between bites.
“Yes, you’re the talk of the town, you know.”
“I am?”
“Everyone’s talking about how you rescued some damsel in distress out on the highway,” Ryan says with a wink.
I stop eating, reluctantly. “Damsel in distress? That hardly describes the woman I rescued.”
“So, you admit you rescued someone?”
“Mom, it’s not quite the scandal you may have been led to believe. I was out checking the back fence, and I saw someone on the road. She was clearly not dressed for a hike, or the weather at all, and she said when I stopped that her phone was out. You know how that tends to happen in that area. So, what else could I do? I gave her a ride to the ranch.”
“On your horse?” Julia asks.
“Yes,” I spear a piece of roast with my fork. “On my horse.”
“Then you brought her back here?” Ryan asks.
“I did, to the main cabin, not my cabin.” I give my brother a pointed look, knowing full well what he’s getting at. “Then I went back out to continue working on the fence, and she went inside to get some lunch and make a phone call.”
“And that’s all?” Mom asks.
“Yes, that’s all.” I put the food in my mouth, indicating that this is the end of the conversation.
We all eat and drink quietly for a bit until our plates are clean. I’m going in for seconds when Ryan starts up the conversation again.
“These chairs are looking a bit shabby. Do you want me to make you some new ones?”
“I don’t know, can you make something simple, or will it have to look like I live in a museum?”
Ryan smirks. “They can be simple.”
“Parker, I don’t know what’s gotten into you, dear, but whatever it is, keep it up,” Mom says and takes a bite of food.
“What do you mean?” I question.
“You’re setting boundaries and standing your ground. You seem more relaxed, but you told us you’ve had a long day.”
“I see.” I load up another baked potato. “I’ve been exercising more, getting into a couple new hobbies and learning.”
“Learning what?” Mom prods.
“Nothing very interesting, I promise. Just trying to divert my attention from constantly working.”
“I can understand that very well,” Julia says.
Ryan smirks at me again. He definitely knows something is up. I remember that Julia was a huge workaholic when they first met. Damn it, I bet he’s making the connection between having a good fuck and diverting attention from work. Let himcontemplate. I’m not saying anything else. I dig into the potato I’ve made up, and Mom gets up to clear the other dishes.
It doesn’t take her long before she brings out a tray of lava cakes. I knew it! She makes these little chocolate cakes that have this delicious chocolate stuff inside them that oozes out lava from a volcano. I love these cakes.
“What’s the occasion, Mom?”
“I figured if I bring your favorite dessert, you have a reason to call me around more often.”
She’s not wrong.
“You got me there.”