Parker:Turn it on low. I’m not ready for you to come yet.
Me:Yes, sir.
Parker:Oooo I love that. Make sure you say that when we’re together.
Me:Okay it’s on the lowest setting.
Parker:Tease that opening, just like if I was stroking you down there.
Me:Should I get out my nipple clamps too?
Parker:I’ll stroke that opening until you can’t take it anymore.
Me:I’m already there. I wish you were here with me.
Parker:I’ll stop there and spread your legs out further.
Me:I want you, Parker.
Parker:Turn it up. Go inside like it’s me drilling into you.
Me:I’m gonna Facetime you. I want you to see this.
From there, he watched me on video call, listened to me call out for him when I came, and directed me not to stop after the firsttime. He was in his bedroom, and I saw him take off his pants then.
He joined me for round two and got himself off while I geared up for another orgasm, and another, and another, and another. After that night, I thought about him and that call every time I pulled out my vibrator. It’s not the same, though. I want him for real.
He’s always busy with work like I am. The one time I was available on my night off, he didn’t answer me for hours, and then when he did, he said that his family had come over for a surprise visit. I’m sure they did, Parker doesn’t seem like the lying type, but at the same time, why didn’t he invite me to come over afterward?
I know it’s really soon to meet anyone’s family. I get that. And I also can’t help but wonder if he doesn’t want them to know all about what I do for a living. I remind myself again that we’ve only had one date. I shouldn’t have any expectations about where this is going.
That one night is at the forefront of my thoughts, though. And the sexting/FaceTime call after. I don’t usually let men take the lead. With Parker, it seems more like teaching and enjoying than letting him take control. I didn’t have any fears about him handcuffing me to that bed. I had no real reason to trust him, but I did.
Now I’m not sure if I should have done so. I don’t know if he’s trustworthy at all. Sure, he’s not the type to lie to me. That’s notthe only way for someone to be untrustworthy. He could straight up ghost me, and that would have the same effect.
It’s been a couple of weeks since that date and he still hasn’t made another one. He hasn’t asked me about it at all. What am I supposed to think? It’s another Friday night, so I have to stow these feelings and be a good hostess. I’m on the floor tonight, and I have to be present for everyone here.
That’s another thing, he hasn’t come back to the club either. Parker seemed so interested in everything going on here. I thought he’d at least want to come check out the public play areas again. I know that usually men are supposed to come here with a partner, but I can find him someone who’s good with the newbies.
I wouldn’t mind him practicing and exploring with someone else if I’m on the floor too. It’s not like he’d be fucking them right there in the play area. I can handle that part later on when the night at the club is over. He hasn’t come in after that one night, so all of this is in my head for the time being.
Or maybe it always was in my head, and there’s really nothing more to this than one great night. It can’t be all in my head. I know I saw him enjoying himself too. There for sure was a connection there. Then again, I’ve been wrong about that before too.
On the floor, I walk around the play areas and tend to the regulars. We haven’t had many new people come around, but that’s pretty normal for the season. Usually, we get a lot ofnewbies after the holidays, people looking to let off some steam after all the stress.
Christmas is coming soon, and it looks like I’ll be spending it without a boyfriend yet again. I don’t know what’s going on with Parker, but to have him be my Christmas date seems pretty far-fetched now that we’re coming up on Thanksgiving and he hasn’t even asked for a second date yet.
I know I can ask him out, this is the twenty-first century after all. But I asked him out for our first date, and we went back to my place too. It’s his turn. Wouldn’t it seem a little desperate to be the one to ask him out for the second date when I did the asking for the first? Do I care if I seem desperate? Ugh, I do care.
I told Lucas that I had a date with Parker. I didn’t tell him the whole story, of course, but he definitely suspects. I didn’t exactly tell him how the date ended, just that Parker kissed me goodnight. I’m pretty sure Lucas gets that it didn’t end there.
He’s asked me if I’ve seen “the cowboy” again, and I just said that I didn’t with no other details. For once, he’s not pressing me on it. That means he heard the disappointment in my voice, and he doesn’t want to pile on my frustration. I know how he works when he’s asking me about sensitive topics. If he sees I’m disappointed, he waits to see how it goes before he jumps in.
Word got around to my mom that the cowboy rescue story didn’t end there. She asked me about my date and if they’d be meeting Parker during the holidays. I didn’t know what to tell her. Myfamily is way too involved in my romantic life, even if they want to pretend I’m not working at a BDSM club for a living.