Page 16 of Rowdy St. Nick

“I always thought of BDSM as, I don’t know, pain?”

“It can be that but when it is it’s more like pain enhancing pleasure,” I inform him.

“That’s real?”

‘Yep. The letters stand for bondage, discipline or domination, sadism, and masochism.”

“See it’s those last two that don’t really line up with the concept of play for me.”

“I get how it sounds, but that’s not the main point.”

“What is the main point?” he ask with a soft tone.

“Pleasure. That’s why we call it playing.”

“I’m intrigued but a little skeptical.”

“That’s valid. I think you really have to experience it to understand it,” I say.

“I’m glad I came down to see you again, but I’m not sure about participating.”

“That’s fine too. You can watch and learn.”


“The people in these main play areas are used to being open about what they’re doing. For a lot of people, voyeurism is part of it.”

“You’re sure. I can watch people doing this stuff?” He questions, since this is obviously out of his norm.

“In this main area, absolutely.”

“There are other areas?”

“There are private rooms in the back where people book one on one time with the practitioners,” I answer.

“And you’re a practitioner?”

“Some nights. Tonight, I'm hosting first, which means I walk around and help people set up and stay safe in the play areas. I help newbies like you navigate the floor and help the other hostesses keep the social area stocked.”

“So, you’re a bartender too?” he teases with a wink, knowing that’s not the case.

“Don’t be a smartass, Rowdy. The bar is self-serve. I basically assist the dungeon master.”

“Wait, there’s actually someone called a dungeon master here?”

I point to my boss in full gear on the watch platform above the social area. She can see everyone and has a walkie talkie to reach us if needed. Her gear is all leather and chains. She’s in a mask, as well with her hair in a high ponytail coming out the top of the mask.

“Holy shit, she’s actually a dungeon master.”

“She oversees everything we do to make sure we don’t miss anything do everyone is kept safe.”

“Okay then, I guess you should get to work now that you’ve given me the grand tour.”

He smiles that cowboy smile at me and literally tips his hat. I head back over to the couple in the swing and work on securing their ropes again. It’s time for the blindfolds to come off. I look back one more time and see him still smiling at me, leaning against that one couch again.

Tonight, I’m putting on a show, and he’s the only one I want to impress.

Chapter 7