I really wish you would return my texts, Kam.
I sigh, feeling that ache in my chest but also fueled by a fire as well. Anger that bubbles to the surface.
“You should have thought of that before the six hour awkward car ride home,” I say to myself before clicking out of that text thread and opening the one from my mom.
How are you feeling now?
Mom, I’m fine. I’ve told you this.
Sweetheart, I’m your mother. I know you better than you think. Something happened.
I pinch the bridge of my nose, I wish she would just leave it be and let me work through it on my own.
Mom, I promise. I’m fine.
I knew something like this was going to happen when you told me where you were going and who you were going with.
Seriously. It’s been three weeks, everything is fine. I’m focused on work and have the Christmas Bazaar soon.
If you say so, sweetheart. You know we love you, and we just worry about you. That’s all.
I know, I’m sorry. But I promise everything is fine. I love you.
I love you so much more, goodnight, sweetheart.
Night, Mom.
I toss my phone onto the couch next to me and sigh, my late night Menendez show no longer looks appealing, and my ice cream has melted.
My bed is calling my name, work has been kicking my ass lately, and I hope it lightens up soon.
The more I think about the Christmas Bazaar, the more I feel the pit of dread built in my belly because I’ll have to see Kris and I’m not ready.
In all honesty, at this point, I would be completely fine to just never deal with my emotions and never see him again.
I clean up my mess, get ready for bed, and by the time my head hits the pillow, I push all thoughts of Kris from my mind and think about absolutely nothing as I drift off to sleep.