Her arm is linked through Kris’ dad’s, but her eyes are anywhere but the conversation he’s having with a man next to him, who I think may be Ruby’s dad, I’m not entirely sure. I’ve not been introduced to everyone yet.
The way she blatantly checks Kris out, while hanging from his father’s arm really pisses me off. It blows my mind that his dad doesn’t notice, she’s anything but subtle.
“Jealous?” someone asks. Kris’ mom offers me a smile. “Lauren isn’t my favorite of the women he’s brought around.”
She offers me a glass of wine, I take it willingly to calm my nerves since my last one was spilt on me.
“Yeah, well, she isn’t my favorite either considering I had to change dresses because of her.” I glance at her, before looking back at Lauren.
“You have nothing to worry about though.”
I frown, pulling my attention to her.
“With my son that is. I see the way he looks at you.” She offers a small smile. “I know I’ve not been the best mother, and I desperately wish I could go back in time and fix the mistakes I’ve made, but I love my boys with my whole heart, even if they don’t always think I do. Everything I did in my life was for them, I just didn’t realize at the time that I was hurting them by trying to give them everything.”
My heart cracks open a little at her words.
“But I see the way he looks at you, and even if the two of you say there isn’t anything between you both anymore, it’s very much still there.”
“I, umm, I don’t really know what to say.” I laugh, awkwardly. “Kris and I aren’t dating, we dated briefly in college and it was more of a disaster than anything. He doesn’t do relationships, and I don’t do casual. It’s like fire and rain,” I point out.
“Or, it’s the perfect recipe.” She shrugs, looking over to Kris who’s now watching the two of us. “I think we’re about to head out, I’m exhausted and need to prepare to cry my heart out when my baby gets married tomorrow. It was so nice to meet you, Kameron.” She touches my shoulder and I smile, telling her the same.
The second she steps away from me, Kris comes in hot. “What did she say? Are you okay?”
“Kris,” I place a hand on his chest, “it is fine. She is actually really nice, it was good.” His heart is beating rapidly beneath my palm. “I promise,” I tell him, trying to calm him.
But it’s like trying to calm a bull in a china cabinet.
“What’d she say?” he asks again.
“We were just talking about you.” I look into his eyes, his bounce back and forth between mine before he blows out a breath and relaxes slightly. “Everything was good, I promise.”
We stand frozen in our spots, staring into each other’s eyes before a throat clears and we jump apart slightly. Or apart before Kris wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me flush against his side.
“Oh, Kris, will we see you all out tonight? Everyone is going to celebrate the newlyweds shortly.” Lauren doesn’t even spare me a glance, and I feel Kris’ fingers dig into my side.
His dad saunters up, looking between the two before wrapping his arm possessively around her.
Hmm. Maybe the man isn’t blind after all.
Kris tilts his head, looking down at me. “What do you want to do, babe?”
That little word shouldn’t send goosebumps over my skin or a shiver down my spine, but it does.
“I’m good with whatever you want to do. I wouldn’t mind hanging with Ruby and Kaleb for a bit.” I look over at Lauren and his dad. The look on Lauren’s face should make me laugh, the steam might as well be coming out of her eye balls with the glare I’m getting. “But don’t forget about our plans later.” I bite my bottom lip, looking into Kris’ eyes.
Sparks of recognition flash in his gaze, and a warmth travels over me at what I’ve just promised him.
He smiles, leans in for only me to hear and says, “Trust me, I couldn’t forget our plans even if I tried.”
“I guess we will seeyouout, Lauren,” I say, but I’m met with a simple nod before she all but marches out of the venue.
“Kris,” his dad says before nodding at me, and following behind his date.
“I don’t like her.” I stare after his dad’s retreating form.