“What are you doing?” she asks.
I’m expecting the feisty Kameron to be staring at me when I look at her, but instead it’s the amused version that likes the little games we play.
“I, umm,” I stumble over my words, looking like an idiot right now.
“Why’d you stop?” Her eyes flash with heat, and I’m suddenly as hard as a rock.
I groan, making her giggle before I slowly pull the straps from her shoulders, bringing them down her arms until the dress gives way at her hips and falls to the floor. She’s standing in front of me in nothing but her lace thong, and she’s fucking beautiful.
“Damn,” I whisper, leaning forward and pressing my lips to her shoulder. “You’re stunning.”
Her smile grows wider, and I want to beat on my chest like a caveman because I put the smile there.
She pulls the dress Ruby brought in off the hanger. I watch her every move as she unzips the back of it and slowly steps into it. She pulls her hair to the side, shimmying her way into it before gesturing for me to zip her back up.
“I don’t want to.” And I don’t.
I prefer the version I just saw standing in front of me over the fully covered one.
“Get your mind out of the gutter, Kris. We have a rehearsal to get to, and you’re kind of a big deal,” she teases.
“Babe, I don’t give a fuck about the wedding anymore after seeing you in front of me like this,” I tell her. “So, tonight, when we get back to the cabin, I better get another glimpse.”
“And if you don’t?” She spins around to face me after I zip her up.
“I’ll die from blue balls.” I stare at her, hoping she sees how serious I am.
Blue balls isn’t serious, but damn I don’t want to experience it.
“We’ll see.” She smirks, turning again before bending to grab her shoes.
Her damn ass rubs right against me, and I know she’s playing with me now. I just don’t know what changed with her.
One minute she’s waking up on top of me half naked and then doesn’t speak to me all morning, then she purposely lets me undress her in the mirror, in the same state of nudity and is teasing me after.
We’ll have a long talk about it for sure. I may not do relationships, but there’s no reason we can’t have fun while we’re here together.
The sex between us always was insane.
Once I feel comfortable in the dress, and my shoes are no longer sticky, I check my hair and make up, making sure everything is in place before turning to Kris.
He’s been leaning against the wall watching me the entire time. I know I’m playing with fire right now, teasing him this way and going hot and cold constantly, but I can’t help it. I want to let loose a little, I want to enjoy our time together, but I’m terrified my feelings will mask any fun we have and then I’ll have my heart broken again.
And last time, he shattered me.
He’s made it perfectly clear he’s not looking for anything serious, and I’m not looking for a one night stand. But, something about what Cora said, and the fact that we’re literally trapped on the side of a mountain together for this wedding is messing with my head.
I should be embarrassed that I just let him partially strip me the way he did, but I’m not. It was hot, and if we didn’t need to be out there for the rehearsal I’d have let him do a lot more than just take off my dress.
“Ready?” I ask, turning to face him before looking down at my dress. The cream fabric really does contrast with the tone of my skin well. It may even be a better fit than my dress from earlier. “I just need to put this in your truck.”
“I got it.” He pushes away from the wall, taking the dress from my hand before reaching for my other. “Ready?”
I nod, following him to the door. He holds it open, letting me step through before he follows behind me. Once we’re back in the room where the lunch was, he takes my hand leading me through the now empty tables as staff from the venue clean up.