I’m going to kill Kaleb.
In a brotherly love way, of course.
He knew I didn’t want to be anywhere near our parents today, tomorrow, or ever at this point.
This entire lunch is a shit show. Aside from Kameron.
She’ll never know how much it meant to me, or how she affected me when she grabbed my hand.
But, I really need this lunch to be over so I can get some more alcohol into my system and pretend like my parents aren’t trading death stares across the table to each other.
I finish my food, wiping my mouth, but not letting go of Kameron’s hand. Glancing across the room, I make eye contact with my brother. But the coward looks away just as fast as our eyes connect.
Sitting in silence, I stare at every single person sitting at this table. My mom carries on a conversation with her new man, about what? I couldn’t tell you, I’m just observing the way the two are together. I never expected her to move on, after all the pain she endured from my father when he dipped. The way everything fell on her shoulders, and she just continued to push it all onto me.
And why the fuck did no one tell me she was engaged?
My eyes drift to my dad, and the woman sitting next to Kameron. Dad is talking about Kaleb and their wedding, but his date is more occupied with my date. And I’m not really liking the look she’s giving Kam.
I noticed it earlier, but Kam didn’t really react to the look she gave her when Dad brought up our relationship, and how my brother apparently has a bigger mouth than I thought… so, I didn’t really comment on the odd reaction, but now, it’s definitely noticeable.
I’m not even sure of the chick’s name, but when I let go of Kam’s hand and pull her chair closer to me before letting my palm rest on her knee, that gets the girl’s attention. Her brown eyes bounce to mine before widening and turning her focus to whatever my dad is currently saying.
“What was that about?” Kameron asks, looking confused as she wipes her mouth and drops the napkin to the plate.
“I just have a weird feeling about her; wanted you away from her.” I shrug, leaning back in my seat.
My eyes drift around the room again, this time watching every single person briefly before my brother finally stands and announces it’s time for the rehearsal.
Everyone stands, and the room slowly starts to clear out. My dad’s date stands, and I watch as she carelessly lets her purse, or whatever the thing is she’s carrying, hit Kameron’s drink.
Unfortunately, Kam wasn’t out of her chair yet, and it splashes into her lap. Mostly on her knees and down her legs though.
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” The fakest apology I’ve ever heard, and I’ve given plenty of them in my life. “I’m a klutz.” She giggles.
Kameron stretches her lips into a smile, but I can tell she’s embarrassed now. Her dress around the rim is covered in red wine, which will more than likely stain.
“It’s okay. Accidents happen.” Kameron pushes away from the table to stand before turning to me. “I need to find a restroom.”
I take her hand, leading her in the opposite direction of where everyone is heading. My brother will just have to wait.
“There’s one over here,” I say, pulling her behind me. When we reach the door, I pull it open, allowing her to step inside before I follow.
“Kris,” she gasps when she realizes I’ve followed her inside, “you can’t be in here. People will talk.”
“Let them. I don’t give a fuck.” I shrug. “I wanted to make sure that you’re okay.”
“I’m fine. It was an accident. It’s just a dress. You need to go, your brother needs you.” She places her hand against my chest, trying to push me toward the door, but she can’t get me to budge.
“I’m not leaving you.” I gesture to the sink. “Do whatever it is that you need to do, I’ll wait.” I kiss her cheek, not sure why, but it felt right.
There’s a large couch on the other side of the restroom, so I walk toward it and plop down. Pulling my phone out, I pull up my brother’s text thread before looking up at Kam.
She’s staring at me, her mouth in the cutest little “o”.
“What? Hurry up.” I wave my hand in the air, jokingly. “My brother needs me.” I chuckle, causing her to give me one of her signature pissed off looks that look so sexy on her.