Page 35 of Playful Kris

It’s always been her, and it will always be her.



I don’t know what to wear.

Is it dressy? Is it casual? I don’t know these people, with the exception of Kris’ brother, so how do I know what to wear?

And why is it so hard for women? Like guys can just throw a shirt on with some jeans and look put together. But for us, we have to do our hair, our makeup, and wearing a t-shirt isn’t as easy for us as it is for the guys.

Which is another reason Kris’ presence just annoyed me when he walked out of the bathroom and pulled on his dark wash jeans and a black t-shirt that hugged his biceps.

Stupid biceps. Stupid jeans that make his ass look good. Stupid hair that makes me want to run my fingers through it. Stupid Kris.

I blow out a breath, and my hair falls in my face from the action.

“Just wear whatever you want, Kam. No one is going to give a damn what you look like.”

My jaw drops open as I slowly turn my head to look at him. No one is going to give a damn what I look like? Well, what if I meet someone tonight?

Although, I’m not sure how or if I could even pull something like that off.

“Stop.” He rolls his eyes, stopping what he’s doing to step closer to me. “I didn’t mean it like that. I meant no one will care if you’re dressed up or dressed down. You’re beautiful either way.” His eyes soften, and for a second, I can feel the pull between us. The pull that’s always there, that always has this effect on me.

His phone chimes in his hand, and he glances at it. “They’re coming up the mountain.”

I sigh, grabbing a pair of jeans and a flowy black shirt. It’s one of my favorites, and still shows off my girls quite nicely.

Despite Kris being in the room, I reach behind me and unhook my bra, letting my arms fall through the loops before pulling my shirt over my head. I quickly get my jeans pulled on, and grab my black booties and slide my feet into them.

I rush in the bathroom, brushing my teeth and taming my hair, which thankfully looks okay considering the day of travel we’ve had. Adding a little blush to my cheeks, pink to my lips, and mascara, I consider myself put together enough since I’m out of time.

When I step back inside the bedroom, Kris is standing in the same spot he was when I got dressed, just staring at me.

“What?” I ask, frowning and looking around the room.

“Don’t do that again,” he says, stepping closer to me. His eyes are wild as he says it.

I frown at him this time, completely confused on what he’s referring to.

“I’m already hanging on by a fucking thread.”

Huh? I blink, and he takes two more steps until we’re chest to chest.

My bare breasts rub against the fabric of my shirt against his, my breathing halts and I suck air into my lungs. The small touch sends sparks through my body.

He leans forward, and I think he’s about to kiss me when he whispers in my ear, “If I see you without your shirt on again, I won’t be able to refrain from touching you.” His lips brush against the shell of my ear, and goosebumps break out along my skin. “And I don’t think you’d stop me.” He pulls away slightly, pressing his lips to my temple before slapping my ass and heading down the stairs with the announcement that his brother is here.

What the fuck just happened?

And why am I so turned on right now by it?

And disappointed that we’re having to leave now?

Because I still very much can’t stand my ex-boyfriend.

The drive to wherever we’re going is fun.