“Sit wherever you want,” he tells me. “Once the ceremony is over, I’ll come find you.”
I nod, and he presses his lips to mine once more. This time short and sweet before he takes a few steps backward, his eyes moving over my body.
“Absolutely perfect.” He shakes his head with a smirk.
I feel the blush creeping up my neck.
I wait for him to disappear from my sight before I make my way through the large double doors into the ceremony room. It’s breathtaking. The baby breath flowers, paired with the roses. The arch they’ll be married under. Everything is perfect and I know Ruby is going to be the most beautiful bride.
Pulling out my phone, I decide to text Cora while I wait for the ceremony to start.
Oh, wow. She remembers me.
Not fair, I’ve been busy.
I hope you have. Otherwise, you’ve been ignoring me for nothing. And I would rather you ignore me for some decent *eggplant emoji*
Shut up!!! YES!!! Tell me everything.
Well, I don’t even know where to begin. I almost fought his dad’s girlfriend for flirting and touching Kris last night. We agreed to be beneficial to each other for the weekend, and he was very beneficial last night. Multiple times. His brother and Ruby are getting married today, and Kris told me ten minutes ago I took his breath away when he looked at me.
Okay, whoa. Hold your horse. That’s a lot to unpack.
I wait, letting her reread my text as she deciphers everything. Her brain works better that way.
Ok. One. Swoon with the breath taking away comment. That’s cheese.
Two. I’m glad he was beneficial. You needed lots of benefits lately. Go get ‘em, Tiger.
And here goes her undiagnosed ADHD with multiple text messages because her brain won’t allow her to type it all in one message.
Three. I can’t wait to see wedding pictures.
And four. How dare you graze over the topic of nearly getting in a fight? I need more.