The wildfire erupts, and I’m exploding. McQuinn slams into me, pressing me further into Ellis. The two of them come together, beautiful sexual harmony I’mblessed to be squished between.

But I’m not just smushed between them. I’m a part of them. A part of all of them. A part of this.

I’m sweaty and panting and my balls might be raisins. My heart is sugarplums. A featherlight kiss on my forehead. A hand brushing the back of my arm. A palm softly rubbing my hip. My pack. My family.

Ellis and Em Text Chain

Em: I hope you know how much I love Meggie. It’s not even dawn!

Ellis: Don’t you love me too??

Em: No, I’m doing this only for Meggie (laughing emoji)

Ellis: Ok thats fair. I’ll allow it

Em: We’re leaving now

Em: Merry Christmas! I’m really happy Meggie is with you guys (heart emoji)

Ellis: Merry Christmas, Em. I’m reallyreally happy for you, too

Em: When her family leaves, drunken eggnog shots?

Ellis: YUP! You know it!



The smell of warm sugary cinnamon wakes me up, and the scent isn’t coming from me.

“Our first Christmas together.” Harrison spoons against me and hugs me close, burying his nose in my hair.

“Merry Christmas, sunshine.” Ellis’s soft lips graze my cheek. His normally tropical scent is mixed with a spicy cinnamon tang, and when his lips brush mine, there’s a sweet stickiness to his kiss. Cinnamon bun frosting. My stomach rumbles and sleep evaporates from my senses.

“It’s Christmas!” Oz hollers from the doorway. He’s holding a plate of cinnamon buns, the source of Ellis’s frosting.

I reach out, palm up, silently asking for one with a smile. Who cares if I get the sheets messy—wouldn’t be the first time. And it’s Christmas!

Oz plops down on the foot of the bed next to Nils, who tears a piece of cinnamon roll off and feeds it to me with his fingers. I lick it up, then kiss him. And Oz. And Ellis. I kiss them all, and together they cover me in morning kisses.

I can’t believe this is my beautiful life.

Even if it is barely dawn.

It would be easy to stay here all day, but I know my mom and sisters are downstairs waiting. Plus, I’m excited to give my men their presents, so I drag them out of bed.

The aroma of dark roast coffee and black tea greets us in the kitchen. My mom is pulling out a second tray of cinnamon buns from the oven as we walk in.

“Merry Christmas!” Lily and Vicki shout, bouncing in from the living room with stockings already in hand. Mom flinches at the noise and almost drops the tray, but just manages to set it on the counter before it goes tumbling over. She gives my sisters a warning glare.

“Good save, Mrs. H.” McQuinn reaches for a cinnamon bun, but she slaps his hand away.

“They’re hot.”

“I like hot buns.” McQuinn says, pulling Oz in for a quick kiss. An adorable blush creeps up Oz’s cheeks as he leans into the affection like a marshmallow meltinginto hot cocoa. Their lips part, but fingers stay intertwined as they lean against the kitchen island side-by-side.

Mom slides the cinnamon rolls from the pan to a platter with a giant Christmas tree on it. She’s an amazing baker, and I adore her commitment to our Christmas traditions. Traditions I get to share and start with my own pack now.