“Rolling down the window.”

“What are you going to tell him?” Skye’s eyes are wide and her fingers are at her lips.

“That we were talking.”

“I don’t think he’ll believe you. You’re shirtless and the whole truck smells like my vagina.” She cringes. “I wish those words hadn’t come out of my mouth.”

“Come on, Miller. I know it’s you in there. We’ve had this conversation before and I warned you if it happened again, I’d be talking to your dad about it,” the cop says in a bored voice.

Skye and I exchange a look. “Uh oh, looks like we’re not the only ones using your backseat for sexy fun times.”

Miller will detail my truck as a punishment. After I air it out, of course.

I roll down the window and fight my grimace. I know this cop. And not because my son has apparently been caught more than once making out with a girl in the back seat. His son plays hockey with my son.

His mouth opens and closes and his eyes flare. “Oh hey, Sid.”

“Hey Officer Thomas, how’s it going?” I prop an arm on the open windowsill, going for casual.

“Oh my God, you know him,” Skye mutters from the other side of the truck.

“Well, you just made my night a whole hell of a lot more interesting.” He’s smirking. He’ll definitely give me shit over this at their next practice.

Before I can respond, Skye leans over and blurts, “It was my idea, officer. We both have teenage kids and we’re single parents and my daughter’s father isn’t in the picture, so there aren’t any weekends off, not that I mind having my daughter full time. She’s amazing and I adore her, but she’s a homebody and most of the time her friends come to our place, which again, I don’t mind because it means I always know what’s going on.” She sucks in a breath and motions between us before she continues. “We’re trying to date and there is literally no privacy, ever. And the kids are always home, or everything is rushed, or we have to use the back of the truck to make out for twenty minutes so we don’t combust from the sexual tension.”

Her gaze slides to mine and widens as her hand settles on my arm. “You must be so uncomfortable right now. We really need to find a way to be alone without getting cockblocked or a ticket for indecent exposure.” She purses her lips and her attention moves back to Officer Thomas. “I’m so sorry. I babble when I’m nervous and getting caught making out in the parking lot like horny teenagers is pretty high on the mortification scale.”

Officer Thomas cough-laughs behind his hand, then slides his thumbs into his belt loops. “I have three teen boys, two are in hockey and one is in robotics. We’re chauffeuring those boys around all the time, so I completely understand the challenge of teens. I might suggest a slightly less public spot for saying goodnight in the future, though.”

“Yes, officer. Good call. Next time, I won’t let my hormones cloud my judgment,” Skye says.

He nods to Skye and then turns his attention back to me. “I’ll see you at practice tomorrow?”

“Yeah, I’ll be there.”

He taps the side of the truck. “Have a good night, drive safe.”

“Thanks, you too!”

Officer Thomas ambles back to his car and Skye’s head drops back against the seat. “I can’t believe that just happened. And I can’t believe you know him. You sons play hockey together, don’t they?”

“They do. Don’t worry, though, he won’t make a big deal of it.” I open the passenger door and climb down, holding out a hand to Skye.

“I’m sorry I left you hanging. I wish I could fix that.”

“Don’t worry, I can take care of my situation when I get home.”

She bites her lip, and her eyes move over me on a hot sweep. “I wish I could be there to help. Next time, I’ll take care of you first.”

“Next time, hopefully we’ll have hours of alone time to take care of each other.” I bend and give her a chaste kiss, then hold open the door of her sedan and wait until she’s backed out of her spot before I climb back into my truck and head home.

* * * *

The following evening, I’m sitting in the arena, watching my son’s practice, when Clyde Thomas drops into the seat beside me. I don’t take my eyes off the ice when I say, “Go ahead, get it out of your system so we can move on.”

“Hotel rooms have privacy.” He props his elbows on his knees and laces his fingers together.

“It was just supposed to be a coffee date, but yeah, we might need to do something like that if we can’t find a night when both our kids are out with friends.”