“Hey.” I cover her hand with mine.

Her gaze lifts, and she bites her lips together.

“I spend an inordinate amount of time in an arena, a boardroom and on the ice. It’s my job and I do it for my son because it’s his passion. But if I’m completely honest, the last thing I want is to fill my down time with more physical activity. I’m not looking for a gym buddy. I’d rather see a movie, or hang out and talk, or go for a meal, like we are right now.” I run my thumb across her knuckles. “I want someone I can have fun with, and if you’d like to learn to skate, I’ll gladly teach you.”

She laughs. “I’ll probably need a helmet and full body pads. I’m not exaggerating when I say I’m uncoordinated. I can and have hurt myself during yoga class.”

“That’s a lot of bending your body in ways that aren’t entirely natural.”

“This is true.”

The server drops off the calamari and we order our entrees. Skye chooses the steak and twice-baked potato, and I do the same.

Skye delicately lifts one of the calamari rings with her fork and inspects it for a moment. “Sort of looks like a deep-fried cock ring, doesn’t it?”

I’m in the middle of a sip of scotch and I choke on the liquid. It burns my throat and lungs as tears spring to my eyes and I cough into my napkin.

Her fork clatters to her plate. “Oh my God, I can’t believe those words came out of my mouth. Are you okay?”

I’m still coughing, so she pushes back her chair and comes around to my side of the table, patting me heartily on the back.

“Give me your hands!” She yanks the napkin free and moves to stand beside me. She leans in and takes both of my hands in hers, raising them over my head.

Within a few seconds, my lungs are no longer burning, and the coughing has ceased. I’m also staring directly into Skye’s ample cleavage.

“Are you okay?”

“Better than ever,” I tell her chest.

She releases my hands, and her finger rests under my chin, tipping my head up. My eyes are slow to follow. Her cheeks are tinged pink, but her smirk is all-knowing.

I clear my throat and settle a hand on her hip and squeeze. “I really love this dress.”

The fingers of her free hand skim the back of mine. “Down, boy. We still have to make it through dinner.”

I chuckle as she steps back, nearly trips over her own feet, and almost takes out her wine glass. She recovers, though, and settles in her chair without knocking everything to the floor.

“I’m sorry about that. Sometimes words come out of my mouth before I can think them through.” She places her napkin in her lap again and picks up her fork, popping the ring into her mouth.

“It wasn’t an inaccurate observation.” I dip mine in the sauce and chew thoughtfully.

We make it through the rest of dinner without choking or throwing food off the table. It’s very clear that Skye and her daughter are extraordinarily close, much like me and Miller. We’ve also both spent the past decade and a half focused mainly on being a parent and our jobs. She’s fun, and quirky and grounded.

And sexy. She’s effortlessly attractive, and her dress is literally killing me slowly.

It’s only closing in on nine by the time we finish dinner. “What are your plans for the rest of the evening?”

“Violet is practicing at her teammate's house for their upcoming Mathlete competition next week. I’m picking her up around ten-thirty.”

“It must be nice to know that she’s not out partying.”

Skye lifts a shoulder and lets it fall. “She knows teenage boys are all about themselves, and the ones she hangs out with are incredibly awkward and mostly well behaved. Plus, the parents are both structural engineers, and their idea of a fun night is building a Lego city, so…” Her smile is wry. “What about you? What are your plans for the rest of the evening?”

I set my napkin on the table, smoothing it out nervously. “I don’t want this date to end yet. My house isn’t too far from hereif you want to come over for coffee, or tea, or something un-caffeinated.”

Skye’s bottom lip slides between her teeth.

“But I understand if you’re not comfortable with that. We could find a café instead,” I add.