
Like a spider attacking its prey and paralyzing them.

I remember the first time. I was sixteen and saw the hot chem teacher I had a crush on. I walked up to him, and he just…gave in. The janitor’s closet was never the same, and not because I had some crazy sexual experience, but because the guy’s body lacked any blood once I was done. It started seeping out under the door and running down the hallway.

This one tastes different than a human. He’s also pretty. Plus, he’s helping me… I kind of want to keep him for a while and see where things go in the next few days.

Normally, it takes twenty-four hours for me to feed on a human. If they’re immortal, it takes at least three days. But this guy...

He’s different. I wonder how he would handle it, and I also want to know what would happen to me if I tried.

So different. I inhale and press my mouth against his neck. Why does it feel this way?

“That tickles.” His gruff whisper has me jerking back. “But I kind of like it.”

“What?” I wave a hand in front of his face. What’s happening? “How are you even awake right now?”

“Because I’m amazing, and I just needed a fucking nap. Why are you sniffing my neck? And why the hell are you trying to suck me dry? That’s not even polite. At least, ask first. I think the conversation goes a little like this: ‘Oh, hi, I’m a succubus. I might suck your…bus’—haha. Okay, sorry, still delirious—and then you go on to do your thing. I do my thing and pretend to be asleep, and then you get your earth energy or whatever the hell they call it, and we go our separate ways. PS, I will not be your slave. I do not do well being told what to do. I’m more of a manager sort of person.Ilike to tell people what to do. But if it gets your kink on, I’m okay for the next”—he checks his watch—“five minutes. Then, I’m out.”

“Who are you?” I shake my head in disbelief. This has seriously never happened before. Granted, I control my need for blood and energy better now that I’m almost thirty, but he should literally be either dead or passed out for days. And I shouldn’t already be healing.

“Tarek.” His name sounds familiar. “Werewolf prince, all around badass, reads minds—except yours is frighteningly closed off. May need to work on that. So, are we good here? Can I go?” He starts to get up.

I push him back onto the couch. “I’ve never—”

“Let me save you words. I know, blah blah blah, you’ve never had anyone break the succubus demon spell. But here’s the thing. I’m not like you. I’m different. Special, if you will. So, if you don’t need any more of my energy to survive, I’m just gonna go out the front door. Thereisa front door, right?” He rubs his eyes. “See? I’m delirious. Not the front door, I mean the office door.” He yawns and stretches his arms over his head, giving mea beautiful view of his golden abs. Seriously, who is this guy? His body is massive lying on the couch.

I literally have no words. My mouth dry, I point to the door.

He nods. “Thanks.”

He gets his massive body off the leather couch and stretches again. “Do you know any good bagel places around here?”

Doesn’t he work here? Did I make him stupid? “I don’t understand.”

“Bagels. As in bread that looks like a circle with a hole in the middle of—”

“I know what a bagel is!” I yell, frustrated with how nonchalant he is. “But how are you…? Why are you…? I don’t get it. Plus, this city is your home. I just moved from Portland before I got attacked.”

He pauses. “Life, man. So confusing.” He pats me on the arm, followed by the head, then sidesteps me. “The mysteries of the universe just keep on hitting, am I right? All right, then.” Did he just pat me on the head and then wipe his hand on his shirt like my hair’s dirty? I mean, I guess it probably is since I was just attacked. God, I don’t even want to know how rough I look right now. But seriously, what in the ever-loving hell? I just got it dyed before my attack in the alleyway. And I wasn’t even doing anything wrong, just hunting a weak vampire I thought I could take on to last me another few days before I figured out what to do with my life. All I remember is walking. I don’t even know why I was walking in that direction. I hate that my memories make no sense, just as much as I hate what I am.


“Wait.” I hold out my hand.

At least I’m not bleeding anymore; that’s nice. And hedidheal my knife wound. Why was I even stabbed in the first place?

I can feel Earth energy from feeding off Tarek, but it feels different, not right. Though not wrong, either. It feels purposeful in a way that makes me hesitant.

I stare down at my shaky hands. “What sort of werewolf are you?”

He leans down slowly until we’re face-to-face. “The very best kind.” He winks. “The kind I imagine you’d want to feed off of for an eternity. But I have beer to serve, so I’ll just be going now.”

“Halt!” I yell.

He smirks over his shoulder. “Did you seriously just say, ‘halt?’”

“It was the first thing that came to my mind.”